I was at my favorite park, Charles Klor, where I often played frisbee with random Jews and Arabs. And, of course, my dog, Naya. Charles Klor is a place where different cultures converge. It splits Jaffa and Tel Aviv propper. Across from it is a large mosque, and it’s common to see people break Ramadan in the park after. Today, the city was setting up stations, stages and more, for a Women’s Run. Workers aside, it was empty. Tons of room for my dog and I to play. As my beautiful, fluffy girl ran from bird flock to bird flock, all I could of was our mutual bliss. Unadulterated by thoughts of work obligations and life stresses.
King of the Chill is Guy Andrew.
King Chill was a roaming igloo.
Try Me! is my new community.
GuySpace is my humorous blog.
Jude is about Jews and our haters.
Art Car Inspiration Day (ACID) is my blog about art cars and mutant vehicles.
Wordly Durdley is a Simpsons-Wordle game I made in under 1 hour.
Play Local Games was my first app.
(A better app, Hobiz, exists.)