New Slang: "Simps Gaslight Karen" & More Trendy Mumbo Jumbo
I don’t know whether this is supposed to be funny or serious. Either way, laugh.
When I was young, terms like “hipster” had a resurgence. So did the phrase, “anti-zionist not anti-semitic” and “America First,” which are highly problematic. In all three cases, the term origins were lost. Yes, H1tler claims he is “anti-Zionist, not anti-Jew” right at the start of Mein Kampf. Yes, it’s easy to find "America First” associations with the KKK and other hate groups in the 19th century. But memories are short.
Are you SURE you want to envoke “America First?” Here’s an old pic of the KKK with that slogan.
‘member when Dane Cook ranted about Karen, that friend everyone secretly despises? If you don't, check it out here. Long before the internet decided every infuriating, privileged woman was a 'Karen,' Dane Cook portrayed Karen. Yes, e-boys and e-girls appropriated a Dane Cook joke. They tried to flip “Brian” (a male Karen) to “Kyle” and various other names, but only Karen stuck. I wont mansplain why.
A classic “Karen meme.”
Words evolve. Which is a duh, because we have evolving needs for what languge should depict. However, changing a term’s definition is problematic when a group deliberately manipulates a term to harm a marginalied group. Worse is when that marginalized group is told to accept the new definition.
As a Jew, I can give a few examples:
The term “pinkwashing” went from performative cancer statements, to real things Israel (and only Israel) does to affirm LGBT+ rights. The term pinkwashing completely lost its purpose. There are no mentions of “pinkwashing” in the context of any other country but the Jewish one. As in, the only one in MENA taking in LGBT+ Arab assylum seeker.
Similarly, “whataboutism” changed from arguments irrelevant to the conversation, to a term to use whenever Jews mention something perfectly relevant, but inconvenient to the narrative a bigot wants to portray.
These tragic re-definings mock the purpose of language. They aim to remove meaning.
Despite what the “Well accctually” people say, the word “literally” has always been appropriate to emphasize a figurative situation. That’s why it’s not included in my list.
We still can’t recycle batteries, but society has perfected recycling terms. There is a resurgence of old words into our daily vernacular as new slang. Welcome to the lighter side of our wild linguistic ride with a review of some terms you should know:
Simp: Before it was commandeered by online culture, 'simp' could have been any simpleton. It just meant a “silly person.” Today, it's the label slapped on men who exhibit too much devotion towards women. What is too much? Unlike Jewish genocide, context matters. Yes, sometimes a simp is undignified, an incel, wasting away money on Only Fans. Sometimes a simp is just a chivalrous man going through the motions, bothering those without manners. The real takeaway here is that the modern usage is the fault of Phoebe on Friends.
Sorry, but there are no funny images related to the word “simp.” They either make fun of the losers who waste all their money on OnlyFans or show that the word is popular among incels.
Gaslighting: This term sounds like something straight out of a 19th-century novella where the protagonist, holding a flickering candle, navigates through a dimly lit, eerie mansion. In reality, it's from a 1938 play where a husband manipulates his wife into doubting her sanity. Fast forward to today, and it's not about dim lighting but dimming the truth. It's the art of deception and psychological manipulation, repackaged with a hashtag for the social media era. It is such an abused word, people hate hearing it. The only acceptable time to use gaslighting today is when someone farts and denies it. Damn it, Brian!
the classic
As soon as I wrote a joke about ‘gaslighting is farting and denying it,’ I knew it was already done. Turns out there’s a cheesy gas station t-shirt design ready to go.
High Roading: Historically, taking the high road meant you were the bigger person, opting for moral superiority in the face of pettiness. Now, it's a competitive sport. The new term is like a play on Oppression Olympics. Picture Karen at a dinner party, subtly boasting about her gluten-free, non-GMO, ethically sourced, whispered-to lettuce, all while casting judgmental glances at your non-organic salad. Karen, darling, you're not just taking the high road; you're highroading in the Tour de France of sanctimony. [Note: This term is bound to get used for the old, positive and new, derogatory meanings. It’s a real dab situation.]
This is the only UrbanDictionary def for High Roading that seemed accurate to me. That website is a dumpster fire. I usually hear the word High Roading in situations like:
“The postman brought you…” “How do you know it wasn’t a postWOMAN!”
Yeet: This word could have easily been a sound effect from a '60s Batman fight scene. Pow! Bam! Yeet! Instead, it's the battle cry of Gen Z as they hurl objects (and occasionally themselves) with reckless abandon. It's the perfect term for the digital age: concise, expressive, and capable of conveying the full spectrum of human emotion. From tossing a paper ball into a trash can to energetically exiting a boring conversation, "Yeet!" is the war cry of the youth. This word isn’t problematic, just a tad cringe.
[I’m over 30 years old so I will not be sharing a meme realated to the words yeet, cringe, slaps or bop.]
Doomscrolling: Imagine if, back in the '90s, someone told you that in the future, we'd have a term for endlessly scrolling through bad news on a device small enough to fit in our pocket. You'd think they were pitching a dystopian sci-fi novel. Yet, here we are, doomscrolling through the night, captivated by the carousel of catastrophe. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, except the train is our collective sanity. Do we need more words to define depressive states? Only if it actually addresses the issue: feed addiction.
GIF Credit: EMMA KUMER/RD.COM (Reader’s Digest)
Fifth Column: A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation. This is what we should call Palestine/Rape Supporters, but few do. it’s no secret that Palestine Supporters are attending DNC rallies to instigate violence, chant “Death to America,” despite often not being affiliated with the party
Classic US Poster about Communists as the Fifth Party
Classic Australian Poster about Conservatives as the Fifth Party (1940s, CPA = Communist Party)
Even more gross than this stunt the Fifth Column pulled on the DNC was that their Klan Leader has repeatedly doubled down on his “Death to America” beliefs since. No apologies.
Did I miss any big ones?
The next time someone accuses you of highroading, gaslighting, or being a simp, take a moment to appreciate the rich tapestry of history and humor that brought those words to your doorstep. Consider how words had to be repackaged for fragile minds, who can’t directly say what they mean.