Marvelous Mrs Maisel, “That’s the nice thing about the Jews. We only hijack a conversation.” This is a reference to the MANY times Palestine Supporters hijacked planes since 1968.
Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and Palestine Supporters don’t discuss anything unless it first gets approval by the event organizers. For your safety, you must not discuss ideas or engage in anything resembling debate.
Let’s Play Along
Palestine Supporters are proud haters: anti-Israel, anti-US, anti-Zionist, anti-liberalism, and, typically, anti-Capitalism, anti-NATO and anti-Starbucks (for some reason). I talk ad nausea about what this collective hates. In fact, I’ve heard many definitions of Palestine Support (both the rallies and people) devolve into a list of things they scapegoat. Defining Palestine Supporters in positive terms—such as a cohesive culture, shared ideology, the leaders and inventions they are proud of—is difficult. Palestine is often an apophatic theology.
Palestine Supporters even coined a term, anti-normalization, to fancy up rhetoric about refusal to acknowledge the non-believers. The BDS movement, popular with collegiate Palestine Supporters—but not any PLO or Fatah leaders themselves, or the Arab workers relying on Israeli employment—emphasizes anti-normalization as a tenant to their ideology. The fanatic idea is simple: avoid discussion.
Since I genuinely like discourse and debate, I will not discuss how BDS dogma arose out of tragic events not limited to the second intifada, 9/11, the creation of SJP and its ripple (ex: Columbia Unbecoming). We should focus on the present and prioritize new information over old. So I will focus entirely on the modern Palestine Supporters, doing all they can to encourage a third intifada, without a drop of shame.
Normalization is the participation in any {activity} that brings together... Palestinians (Arabs) and Israelis (individuals or institutions). “Israeli side” refers to Jewish-Israelis and Jewish-Israeli institutions.
Really, feel free to leave a comment if you think I am misconstruing BDS’ own summation by abridging it to two lines.
Anti-normalization, according to BDS, means anti-‘talking to Jews affiliated with Israel at any level.’ They take issue to sympathizing with the lives of all Jewish Israelis, even the Pro-Palestine peaceniks, and people like me, who frequently volunteer to help Arab refugees. They deliberately omit the 27% of Israel that is not Jewish, primarily Arabs and African Refugees that have equal citizenship in Israel.
Jewish Voices for Peace fully endorsed BDS statements, including anti-normalization. To be fair, JVP openly defines Zionism as “a 19th-century political ideology that claimed Jewish safety required a Jewish-only nation-state.” And if you don’t want to hear corrections over that absurd definition, anti-normalization makes perfect sense. A group parading itself as Jewish, but not really Jewish, has every reason to avoid learning about Herzl’s vision of harmony between Jews, Christians and Muslims. They have every reason to not read Emma Goldman, Ahad Ha’am or so many other prolific, diverse Zionist writers who explicitly talked about the need for coexistence.
Despite being a movement defined in negative values, focused on where Jews are not allowed to live, desperate to seperate the “bad Jews” from the good, Palestine Supporters are sick and tired of being called antisemitic. They really hate it how so many Jews call them bigots. They really hate it when Jews like me point out that JVP had admins in Lebanon and can’t even tell when Hebrew is backwards.
I doubt you’re a Palestine Supporter if you are willing to read a Zionist Israeli Jew’s blog. That would be anti-anti-normalization. For the sake of it, for the exercise, I will not discuss the underlying antisemitism that drives anti-normalization values and boycots of the Jewish State, over, oh say, the other 193 states. I will play along with the faux-liberal view that BDS and Palestine Supporters are all “Anti-Zionist, not antisemites.” Throughout this essay, I’ll live in this alternate reality we are force fed, to the best I can as an affected Jew.
After all, BDS took great strides to copy/paste DEI rhetoric about “oppressed vs oppressor” ideology straight into their demands. Let’s roll with their “homeless people have a right to stab housed people” ideology. Just don’t buy into their “Jews white; Arabs not white” argument, disproven by any photo of Ahed Tamimi, the blue-eyed, blonde posterchild of Palestine.
Any real discourse would illuminate: Ashkenasi Jews were victims of the pogroms and Holocaust around the world. They were even oppresed by US coastal elites, who pushed them to build Hollywood across the country. Mizrahi Jews, so often ignored by Palestine Supporters, were equally oppressed by Muslim Arabs in MENA, who forced them to pay special taxes in between pogroms too violent to describe. More Mizrahi Jews were expelled by Muslim Arab states than there were Arabs expelled by Israel. If DEI recognized actual standards and metrics, they would insist that Jews are the “non-white” oppressed group and Muslim Arabs are “Aryan-level” oppressors. That’s another crucial reason for Palestine Supporters to passionately refuse debate (and basic fucking manners).
On top of all this, there is evidence BDS, SJP and JVP supporters hate Arab Zionists like Bassem Eid and Loay Al-Shareef) as much as Jewish Israelis. It’s really not just Jewish Israelis that they hate. We can all acknowledge that a hate group is capable of hating more than one identity, even if they chose to specify “Jewish Israelis” as their primary enemy.
You can see how anti-normalization was used by other groups. The KKK dawned hoods to avoid personal confrontation. They insisted their enemy were the non-Christian and non-white Americans, but we know they hated all who opposed them. The McCarthyism supporters used Communists as their primary oppressors. Of course, they blacklisted many non-Communists who were simply not Patriotic enough. Even H1tler began with an ‘anti-Zionist not antisemitic’ ideology in Mein Kampf, before targeting so many other groups.
From here on, I will only mention Jewish history to contextualize Zionism. I won’t discuss obvious comparisons between BDS and other cults. I wont discuss how cults like Palestine Support rely on the same tactics: Opposition to independent thinking, isolation of members, believing they hold the key to saving humanity. I won’t discuss why even Israel-hater Rat Fink (Norman Fineklstein) says of BDS, “It’s a cult.”
2. Recent Examples of Anti-Normalization (2024)
Douglas Murray in The Free Press, “These beautiful institutions used to be places of learning. How did they end up being the American epicenter of Jew-hate and everything else that is moronic? How could a place of learning become a place where automatons shout and repeat phrases just taught to them, and think that screaming the same thing over and over is any kind of persuasive tactic?”
What does anti-normalization look like?
Anti-normalization looks like a bratty child having a tantrum. It involves kicking and screaming, violence towards those who disagree, name calling rather than addressing points, and openly ignoring anything that doesn’t fully align with conspiracy theory.
Anti-normalization is doing everything you can to prevent solidarity and peace. As a friend put it, “Anti-normalization is anti-cooperation. Anti-normalization is anti-collective liberation. Anti-normalization is anti-peace.”
The Palestine Supporter slogan “You don’t decide how we resist” is a great example. This slogan was a sassy response to the damning evidence that Gazans engaged in gang rape and necrophilia on October 7 [UN]. When decent people cried out, “Rape is not resistance,” the anti-normalization response was essentially, “We do not care about rape victims. You don’t get a say, Zionist.” Repeating that slogan is much easier than trying to weigh the merits of raping to free Palestine.
There’s other greedy Palestine Supporter slogans like, “We want all of it.” This slogan illustrates that any attempt to negotiate is hopeless. It’s the anti-normalization chant that basically means “we refuse to compromise. No Zionists, anywhere on Earth.”
Mohammed El-Kurd, a proponent of anti-normalization, infamously tweeted,
"You can’t protest peacefully. You can’t boycott. You can’t hunger strike. You can’t hijack planes. You can’t block traffic. You can’t throw Molotovs. You can’t self-immolate. You can’t heckle politicians. You can’t march. You can’t riot. You can’t dissent. You just can’t be,"
El-Kurd doesn’t lament, “You can’t debate.” or “You can’t cite sources.” El-Kurd has never tried the debate approach. He has gone on Al Jazeera and podcasts to share his beliefs that the Zionists control the media, just never facing someone willing to call his lies out. Anti-normalization is a closetted Arab, who refuses to ever address LGBT+ issues, because they’re not as important as exposing Zionists.
The SOP for anti-normalization is to yell slurs if dared to discuss a matter. It’s much easier for BDS, SJP and JVP to insist the other side are spawns of satan, who likes to drink the blood of the innocent, than to engage in a debate.
Dressed in a manner illegal in Islamist States, WOL organizer Nerdeen Kiswani has repeatedly rejected talking to her debate opponents. Nerdeen was invited to TV shows like Piers Morgan on the premise of debate, agreed to debate, then, once the debate began, refused to even look into her Zio-opponent’s dreamy eyes. Kiswani has directly said on TV, "I refuse to speak to you {racist slur}” about a half dozen times more than she has ever condemned H@mas (ie 6 to 0). Nerdeen Kiswani, like Mo El-Kurd, epitomizes anti-normalization.
Yes, anti-normalization is criticized by a minority of the Palestine movement, including some academics, OK with “a bit of normal… as a treat.” These people see the danger of never having a conversation with someone you disagree with. It’s those who deep down know they lack in depth knowledge of the conflict, those who use the conflict as a way to champion other causes, who are devout anti-normal.
Most college protestors can’t point to “the river” or “the sea” on a map. So few were surprised when students, occupying college campuses to allegedly support Palestine, adopted what I call WOL’s “List of Demands before Considering Hostages.” This list of demands states, “We therefore reject all collaboration and dialogue with Zionist organizations through a strict policy of anti-normalization.” They had two options: 1. Avoid any “collaboration and dialogue” 2. Study history, ethics, debate, maybe even, Zionism. The choice was obvious.
In a recent event, a video of 20-year old, vocal Palestine Supporter, Khymani James, resurfaced where they stated they would rather kill Zionists than listen to them. 20-year old Khymani says lines like, "be grateful that I'm not just going out and murdering Zionists” in the post they accidentally left up, public on social media, for three months, before it got attention and was removed. Such radicalization is a clear byproduct of anti-normalization. This is a movement that prides itself in indoctrinating people when they’re young.
Before you say I’m being offensive, again, this comes direct from the mouths of Palestine Supporters. 'Queer Storytime for Palestine' drag events are popping up across the country. Well before that, both El-Kurd and Kiswani openly bragged about their movement’s focus on indoctrination from a young age. They post videos of children chanting their slogans. El-Kurd has said things like, “Palestinian youth have managed to transform the terms of the debate,” an allusion to both the focus on youth and focus on anti-normalization.
Khymani, the 20 year old ‘know it all,’ got so used to being around “yes folx,” they didn’t see anything wrong with their words. It never fazed them that they are ‘professing intent to murder a large number of people from a particular nation with the aim of destroying that nation.’ There is a word for such intent, but I forget it. The irony of their ‘Zionists are genociders… so they should ALL be killed’ is lost.
Colleges were once a forum for debate and discussion. When neo-N@zis and Palestine Supporters harassed me during my undergrad term, I listened to them. Why wouldn’t I? I got lucky at a Southern, state school, where professors allow diversity of opinions.
We should thrive for a world where students at a Palestinian University debate, rather than fight, students from an Israeli University. We should all prioritize those involved over those bandwagoning. Yet anti-normalization preaches the opposite. It begs these students to avoid each other. It tells impressionable people like Khymani to exchange clenched fists instead of coherent arguments.
The Douglas Murray quote at the top of this section continues, “One reason that intelligent, educated, civilized people do not spend their spare time screaming the same slogans over and over is that it is the opposite of intellectualism. It is the opposite of dialogue, inquiry, and rationalism—all things that the universities were meant to encourage.”
Yes, anti-normalization is the opposite of dialogue, inquiry and rationalism. It’s something Professors should never… profess. The purpose of real social justice warriors, not performance artists, is to encourage learning and educate others. It is not to terrorize. Yet the examples of Pro-Palestine Professors (say that 3x fast) ridiculing and berating their Zionist students is growing at alarming rates.
This blatant intolerance, rudeness and lack of basic fucking manners of those engaged in anti-normalization religious practice has rapidly spread off college campuses. Prior to Pro-Palestine Politics being the forefront of poser protests, there needed to be an accusation before cancelation. The previous “cancel culture” might have someone accused of saying a racist slur. Anti-normalization drops the need for specific infractions before someone is canceled. Being grouped into a category is enough. Surely, anyone who values self-identification could see the harm in throwing a label at someone you’re unfamiliar with, then insisting it is a reason to deny their voice.
I’ll provide one example of how this impolite, anti-normalization tactic rolled off campuses. In December 2023, Palestine Supporters Dr. Cornel West and Rat Fink used the Comedy Cellar venue to spread libelous remarks about Israel. They exhibited various antisocial behaviors, including outright refusal to honor their hosts wishes or even thank the hosts. Why?
Comedy Cellar owner Noam Dworman is a Zionist. Noam is known for extending olive branches to people he disagrees with, a value he says he picked up from his Zionist dad. Noam previously invited both West and Fink, and an absurdly long list of other Palestine Supporters, to his venue. Despite providing a space for Palestine Supporters, they repeatedly attack his character and invoke Holocaust Inversion. You can listen to Noam and his two (Zionist) comedian co hosts on the “Live From The Table” podcast, where they invite guests they vehemently disagree with to discuss matters. Unlike anti-normalization, these spicy conversations might make you think.
3. Cultural Comparison: Discourse vs Censorship
Sorry, I HAVE to talk about Jews here. But just for a few paragraphs. Please don’t intifada me.
In Jewish tradition, open discussion and debate are not merely cultural preferences but essential elements of religious practice and ethical living. This is why there’s jokes like, “One Jew, two opinions” or “Two Jews, three opinions.” Israel produces papers like Haaretz, the Israeli paper that fueled a painful, anti-Israel conspiracy theory at the start of this war, all thanks to a poorly written headline. Socratic debate can be found on every corner of Israel, albeit a lot less glamorous than what you’re imagining.
Debate is deeply rooted in the Talmud, a central text in Judaism that records centuries of rabbinical arguments on a wide range of topics. The Talmud is a testament to the diversity of Jewish opinions. It reads like an internet forum, occasionally with the overt misogyny and racism of the internet replaced with the old-timey kind. Some rabbis would definitely type in all caps today. Others would make memes.
Halacha, or Jewish law, is argued to be one of the world’s oldest legal systems. It’s the reason why Talmud became a best seller in South Korea. These ancient laws illustrate profound respect for non-Jews, with separate rules that acknowledge their beliefs and practices. After all, Judaism prides itself on recognition of diversity and mutual respect, principles that are foundational to Jewish thought and community life. Furthermore, law and order are seen as paramount in Jewish culture. Jews, Israelis and Zionists are anti-anti-normalization.
But Palestine Supporters are talkin’ Zionism, not Judaism. Right, Dr. King?
It’s impossible to separate a “Zionist” culture from Jewish or Israeli history. I will have to assume all Zionists approve of Israel’s political system, which treats all citizens as equal, to some degree, despite BDS, SJP and JVP delusions of widespread Arab disenfranchisement. Polls prove that most Zionists are like me: Did not vote for Bibi six times and mixed views on things like judicial reforms. I tend to lean left in Israeli elections and respect whatever RBG advised for judicial changes. Others are defined as Labour Zionists, Religious Zionists, Green Zionists and a long list of forgotten labels, since our haters deliberately say “Zionism” like it’s the worst curse in English.
Today, Zionist Israel has a complex legal system, a liberal democracy, a coalition system, that somewhat resembles Canada or UK’s system, except with a Muslim Party. Israel’s system is consistently ranked higher than the US on Democracy Indexes, despite the ludicrous apartheid label by those who refuse to act normal. The Knesset is known for heated debate, not just between the Jewish and Muslim parties, but also between LGBT+ and Orthodox, between the far left and far right, between Bibi’s coalition members etc.
Contrast this “Zionist” political entity with whatever you know about Palestinian politics. Seriously, take a moment. There is more chance of agreeing on what Palestine is not than what it is, so you will have to do some self-evaluation before reading on.
I’m not the one to define where Palestinian history starts, or, G-d willing, where it ends. I’m not an arbitrator of historic fact. Some begin Palestinian history with Amin al-Husayni, a devout N@zi who felt H1tler did not go far enough. Some point to Arafat as the real “Father of Palestine,” and have there views on his legacy. Some don’t really point to any origin, insisting that Palestine is as old as the Moon. Some insist Palestine never existed. Anti-normalization makes it so that there can never be a consensus on Palestine’s history.
I often hear “history did not start in 1948.” So I can only believe that Palestine Supporters imagine a bizzaro history where there were named Palestinian Leaders during British and Ottoman rule, if not further back. This is a fiated reality that ignores countless contradictions, including primary texts about how the British and Ottoman ruled. There are many Zionists who try to point out the contradictions, “What was their language? Who were their leaders?” Anti-normalization means never getting an answer.
Since there is no agreed upon start, a hypothetical debate would need to focus on the present. And to be fair to the cult, there are countless examples of states emerging without one singular culture. For example, South Sudan popped up in 2011.
Today, Palestinian territories score badly on the Democracy Index and similar rankings. At Pro-Palestine / Anti-Israel demonstrations, there isn’t any outcry for the need to liberalize Gaza and accept non-Islamist values. I’m yet to hear a chant, “Palestine will be free… after they hold elections and vote who they choose.” Talk about Palestinian politics involve a lot of imagination, not examples.
Today, most educated people recognize that Palestine is associated with strict Sharia Law, a system that has anti-normalization built in. Sharia law permits spousal abuse up to a certain degree, without question. Sharia Law permits capital punishment without trial. As late as this year, Zionists saw videos of Palestine Supporters in Gaza, Hebron and Jenin hanging people without trial. Anti-normalization meant that Palestine Supporters were instructed to not cry out about these untried hangings, because that might normalize Israeli defense. Can you think of any positive outcome from ignoring witch hunts, where people are killed on the basis of their sexuality alone? I can’t.
All of this is old news. In the US, Zionists advocated for a system of equality. Zionists marched with Dr. King. At the same time that Arab States normalized relations with Israel, women finally got the right to drive. That wasn’t a coincidence. Meanwhile, anti-Zionists have pushed for Sharia Law, the sort of ethical conduct that bans music in Chechnya, and bars women from studying in other Islamist states.
Zionist allies include the most liberal states in the world. Anti-zionist allies, the Resistance (against basic rights), include the Islamist States, Russia, China and North Korea. If you were to judge these movements by their allies alone, you’d get quite a picture. Anti-normalization is a way to prevent you from even imagining what Palestine Supporters are really advocating for.
Palestine Supporters complain about reading ONE PAGE because they’re a movement of illiterates.
4. Anti-normalization as a Debate Tactic
Friedrich Nietzsche, “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”
I believe debate illuminates truth. So if you want to spread lies, debate is the last thing you want. Debate could only illuminate the areas where you are manipulating, lying and inciting. As I’ve emphasized throughout this oped, refusing debate is a great strategy when you know you can not win. It’s like rage quitting a board game by flipping the table, then refusing to clean up the mess.
Debate requires looking at an issue from as many lenses as possible. That’s bad for people who only have one way of looking at the world. If your views lack ethical foundation, again debate is the last thing you want. G-d forbid Palestine Supporters gain sympathy for hostages!
Maybe anti-normalization began when Palestine Supporters recognized that Zionists are better debaters. They saw how many people left their hate group when they learned which side called for war in 1948 (Spoiler: It wasn’t the Zionists!). After all, 93% of Jews are Zionists, and Jews are told to question. Other religions preach conformity and blind faith. If you’re part of a group that murders and riots over offensive imagery, and rapes women to avenge, the last thing you want is debate.
Summation: In debate, it makes perfect sense to not recognize your opponent, if you are sure their side has valid points that you can not address. It makes as much sense if your side is unethical or illiterate or gets caught often lying. Anti-normalization is a strategy for people who love to say “tl;dr Free Palestine” when faced with the challenge of reading more than 280 characters.
A lot of innocent lives could be saved if war was treated by Palestine Supporters like discourse and debate. Imagine anti-normalization was replaced with anti-war rhetoric, or the underlying logic of avoiding the podium was used for avoiding the rifles. As Zionist Jerry Seinfeld might say, “{For Palestine Supporters}, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.””
Think about the difference between an ambigious statement like “Free Palestine” (of what? of Jews?) vs an objective statement with a timeline, “Bring them home NOW”
5. Anti-Normalization Loves Social Media
Social Media is the best thing to happen to Palestine Supporters since Mein Kampf. That’s why BDS Supporters are up in arms about TikTok regulations, and, ironically, using Meta platforms to let you know. A major threat to anti-normalization would be community notes and other common sense ideas they deem to be censorship. They pray discourse is never pushed and we keep the non-objective system.
We can imagine the Palestine Supporter handbook as a list of social media rules to push anti-normalization:
Block those with opinions different to yours. Do not engage these ideas.
Report posts that are inconvenient to your narrative. It really doesn’t matter if they’re true.
If that doesn’t work, flag it as copyrighted. Ask others to report it. Do whatever you can to avoid directly addressing content that puts groups like Palestinian Islamic Jihad in a bad light.
Follow those within your echo chamber only. Never follow a Zionist page. They will use their Zionist mind tricks on you.
Call anything you disagree with Hasbara and Islamophobia. Do not respond to the content itself. If you see pictures of someone who grew up in Gaza, who does not support H@mas and intifada, insist they are paid Zionist Troles.
Vaguely threaten any Zionists who try to engage you in conversation. The key is vague. Use vetted lines like “Your time is coming” or “The world sees your lies.” Feel free to be creative by throwing Zio- onto other words that evoke negative imagery, like Zio-terrorism, Zio-murderers, Zio-thieves or Zio-Jews.
Avoid words like “ugly” which can get you a ban on social media. Instead just say “Everyone you ever loved deserves to die a painful death because of your beliefs.” That won’t get you a ban like using the word “ugly.”
Share chants, emojis, random links and slurs even if a post has nothing to do with Palestine. You can say “Palestine will be free” and never explain what it means. So do it on clips of standup, random quotes and, especially, other causes that aren’t ours. If you ever see a post about Ukraine, climate change, ‘Woman, Life, Freedom,’ vaccines… make it about Palestine.
Never question authenticity of posts that affirm your values. If there’s a photo of a dead baby, say how sad it makes you feel. Don’t point out when it is AI or a doll. It doesn’t matter! If there’s a video of an Arab getting arrested, say how unfair it is. Don’t point out their attempt to stab civilians. Just go with whatever and don’t question it.
Don’t get me started on “inauthentic synchronized activity” because I need another 20 pages to cover that. I guess you’re losing attention. This war will be over before the data is released on how many bots and coordinated posts were utilized to prop up Palestinian messaging in October 2023. Spoiler: It’s estimated by TAU research that 70% of Palestine related traffic in late 2023 came from this tactic.
Anti-normalization is the endless block list of Palestine Supporters. They’re not being harassed, they just know deep down that emojis of the Ba’ath Flag or watermelon aren’t enough to counter a cohesive argument. Anti-normalization means sharing your block list with pride, and posting about how intolerant you will be to anyone else who dares try to reason with you.
Let’s face it, if you want a lie or rumor to spread, you need as many people to parrot it as possible. Social Media is THE place for parroting misinformation. Social media is where “9/11 Truther” “Flat Earthers” and “QAnon” movements were born. Non-grassroot hate groups use social media platforms because, IRL, their underlying antisocial behavior is not tolerated.
Social Media allows the dumbest of ideas to be entertained as truth. #FreePalestine has been the #1 trend on Twitter the same day the devout followers insisted nobody was paying attention to them. They adopt Flat Earthers and anti-vaxxers with pride.
The more a Palestine Supporter stands against normalizing Isra-hell, Is-not-real, or some other childish slur for Israel, the more they have to cut out from their feed. It’s pathetic. Eventually they’re calling Haaretz and NYTimes “Zionist propaganda” for daring to call out rape as bad. I’ve even witnessed Palestine Supporters call the UN and ICJ “Zionist Propaganda,” especially after the ICJ ruled that there is absolutely no evidence of Israeli intent to genocide. Of course, the rest simply deny the truth and refuse fault. Anti-normalization means not having to address corrections, legal precedence, history or anything else that goes against your deluded vision.
6. A Means to Avoid Cannibalization
Anti-normalization isn’t just about preventing discourse between Zionists and Anti-Zionists. I’m convinced it’s even more important for preventing discourse within the Palestine Supporter community. For example, some Palestine Supporters (naively) believe they’re fighting for secular freedoms, while others recognize the Islamist undertones of their mission.
When there are both anti-gay Islamists and “Queers for Palestine” at the same rally, the last thing you want is open discourse. This is where silencing discourse really has an impact. It allows trans-rights advocates to march with those who want them dead, and so-called feminists to march with those who don’t recognize their right to show shoulders, let alone have an abortion.
Anti-normalization is why there was never a conversation within Syria or Gaza like, “Mahmoud, are you sure about this name? Buh-lestine? We can’t even pronounce it. Also, it ends in Stein. That sounds Zionist, doesn’t it?”
Leftist Palestine Supporter Calla Walsh wrote, “Westerners don't want to hear this, but supporting Palestine is incompatible with supporting regime change in Iran or Syria. If ‘woman life freedom’ succeeded & overthrew the sovereign govt of Iran, there'd be no Axis of Resistance as we know it to resist US-Zionist imperialism.” I doubt there are educated “Queers for Palestine” or ‘feminists for sharia law’ members, but I imagine they’d prefer that Calla Walsh left this opinion to herself. It doesn’t attract thinking LGBT+ or feminists.
Anytime a Palestine Supporter says too much, it goes badly for them. Rat Fink recently went to Columbia University to tell the student protests they are chanting wrong slogans. It did not go well. AOC recently went to Columbia University to enjoy the photo op. It did not go well. Australia… JFC nvm that. Need I continue with a list of StopAntisemitism, CanaryMission or JewHateDatabase subjects?
I can go on with hundreds of more examples of Palestine Supporter comments that are not only controversial to civil society, but even among Palestine Supporters. Anti-normalization is a means for a very fractured, unethical group to avoid a civil war.
As an advocate for Harm Reductions, especially drug legalization and LGBT+ rights, I get it. You can champion a great cause and know lunatics back it too. My approach was always to distance ourselves from problematic people, and, at the very least, try to educate them. But I can only imagine how little I’d want people talking if I was a Palestine Supporter, knowing full well that neo-Nazis, Islamists, Russian and Arab Imperialists, faux-Marxists and other socially disrespected people were the forefront of my movement. If you lack noble voices, do not speak.
When Palestine Supporters allow discussion, they get 20 year old Khymani James ranting about AOC taking a picture at a student protest, "If you are letting in politicians to your encampment who condemn the Palestinian resistance and endorse Genocide Joe, you have fully lost the plot… BEWARE OF CO-OPTATION." AOC openly weeping when the Iron Dome was funded was not enough for Khymani James.
You get Fatah admitting that H@mas, not Israel, is weaponizing famine. That undermines the UNRWA rhetoric that people like Kenneth Roth love, which paints Israel and only Israel as the issue preventing world peace and income inequality in the Middle East.
I can only imagine what Palestine Supporters deeply fear being said. “Don’t mention UNRWA’s failure to distribute aid Israel provided! Don’t mention H@mas hoarding food! Don’t mention this, that or the other things!” Anti-normalization is a way to ensure the amorphous scapegoat is never depicted, so that followers don’t argue about whether it has horns or a beak.
7. Conclusion
Repeat after me, “I am an individual! I am original! There’s nothing weird about spamming Jews with emojis and genocidal chants.”
Zionism has historically emphasized individual's right to religious autonomy and the need for coexistence.
Palestine Support has historically emphasized a homogenous, Muslim Arab culture, and the need to exclude Zionists.
Zionism emphasizes debate, but denies proselytization, especially of religion.
Palestine Support discourages any discourse and debate, and, in many cases, encourages conversion of people at young ages.
BDS, SJP, JVP et al foster an environment where questioning and personal interpretation are discouraged. They use college campuses and social media as their main tools to spread false narratives. Rather than address their contradictions and libelous claims, they openly preach repeating chants and slurs in the hopes of never having to recognize truth. Anti-normalization is the epitome of intolerance. It is also how Palestine Support has survived so long, despite being a counter to freedom.
When you see the genocidal, deranged, uneducated, and, all too often, wacky voices that prop up this poser movement, it becomes clear why avoiding discourse is so important. It’s a movement that lacks real ethics and plays mental gymnastics. That’s why it relies on saying incoherent things like, “Normalization is a weapon used by Israel’s apartheid regime to whitewash its regime of oppression and undermine international solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle” (taken from BDS page). That’s a whole lot easier than admitting their intent can be summed up by, “Kill all the Jewish Israelis, who we now choose to call Zionists.”
Now go read these quotes from Arab Leaders and newspapers in 1948!