Holocaust DEI: Denial, (un)Exceptionalism and Inversion (aka Noam Dworman is right)

Holocaust DEI: Denial, (un)Exceptionalism and Inversion (aka Noam Dworman is right)

The rising tide of Holocaust Denial within pro-Palestinian advocacy is an insidious phenomenon that seeks not only to distort historical truths but also to fundamentally alter perceptions about Jews. This strategic recharacterization aims to erase the collective memory of the Shoah, replacing historical sympathy for Jews with disdain. It is an attempt to recast Jews as oppressors in the eyes of the world. Paraphrasing the owner of NY’s Comedy Cellar, Noam Dworman, ‘They want to say, yes, the Jews were victims of the Holocaust, but then they committed a genocide. So it cancels out. We no longer need to consider Jews as victims.’

Holocaust Denial serves several pernicious objectives. One primary goal is the undermining of the historical sympathy that has accrued to Jews due to the Holocaust, attempting instead to spotlight Arabs as the new symbol of oppression. This is not merely a denial of historical events but a deliberate attempt to rewrite the narrative to diminish the uniqueness of the Holocaust, recasting Jews not as victims but as victimizers. This method of denying the Holocaust is said out loud using terms like Holocaust Exceptionalism, which is the belief that Jews benefit from the “exaggeration” of the Holocaust.

None of this is to say that Arabs are not victims. Of course, they are. Especially when their so called supporters try to defend H@mas’ and mass rape, rather than deradicalization of extremism. This post is merely saying that characterizing anyone as victims of Jewish blood lust is antisemitic and dishonest. “Genocide,” like that which both the Arab League and N@zis inflicted on Jews in WW2, implies intent to kill in order to destroy a group. There was never a genocide in history that could be prevented by the alleged victims surrendering. And yet H@mas, PIJ, ISIL and other terrorist groups surrendering is left out the equation of modern Palestine discourse, where these terrorist orgs are championed. Also left out is any accountability are the Palestinian leaders, only ever criticized by Palestine Supporters if they dare try to make peace and prevent bloodshed.

Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, authored a doctoral thesis that questioned the established death toll of the Holocaust. He suggested collusion between Zionists and N@zis, a trope passed between Palestine Supporters til today. His assertions are echoed throughout social media, where race-baiters seek to diminish the historical fact of the Holocaust in favor of a narrative that accuses Jews of fabricating their victimhood for political gain. There was no option for Jews or Zionists to disarm to prevent the Holocaust. The Jews who attempted to make peace with N@zis were also exterminated. It is said that anti-Zionists deep down share this mentality; a Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

In certain areas within Palestinian territories and beyond, there have been disturbing instances of businesses glorifying Hitler and the sale of Adolf Hitler’s "Mein Kampf." Hitler's own words from Mein Kampf chillingly mirror the rhetoric commonly used against modern Israeli policies, "The Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks."

The comparison of the October 7 pogrom (aka Putin’s Birthday Present) with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising is not only historically inaccurate but also deeply misleading. Jews were systematically exterminated by the Nazi regime, in such a manner that the total Jewish population in 2024 not caught up to its pre-Shoa numbers. For comparison, the total death toll on both sides of the Israel-Palestine Conflict, accounting for 74+ years and the H@mas provided numbers of deaths, has still not reached 1/5 of Syrian Civil War. Further, the Jewish fighters targeted the oppressive Nazi military forces only in an attempt to resist annihilation. In stark contrast, the October 7 attacks involved armed groups deliberately targeting civilians, a tactic that bears no resemblance to the actions taken by those in the Warsaw Ghetto. The Jews in the ghetto fought primarily in self-defense against direct genocidal aggression, without the intention of harming non-combatant individuals, underscoring a profound difference in context, intent, and execution between the two events.

If you can not tell the difference between Warsaw concentration camps and Gaza, you are deluded. PS I created an online quiz to show how easy it is to tell the difference: https://paliquiz.com/3 Spoiler: The Holocaust is associated with forced labor and medical torture, while Gaza is known for 74+ years of welfare, and a completely different standard for refugees compared to the rest of the Earth.

Palestine Supporters are not merely triviliazing history but also carry a deep-seated cultural insensitivity rooted in antisemitism. The evolution of terms from "Semite" to "Zionist" reflects a deliberate shift designed to disconnect Jewish identity from its historical suffering and instead associate it with aggression and colonialism. This is not merely a semantic shift but serves to delegitimize Jewish historical claims to Israel. Recently comedian Dane Baptiste, feigning guilt over his death threats towards a Jew, wrote the quiet part out loud, “I made a point to say Zionist and not Jewish.” Note, David Duke also tries that rhetoric.

Most proponents of Holocaust Denial are driven by what they see as an overshadowing of other suffering by the historical attention given to the Holocaust, i.e. Holocaust Exceptionalism. By equating Israeli actions with N@zi atrocities, they aim to create a narrative equivalence that diminishes the Holocaust's uniqueness. This competitive victimization stems from a psychological basis where acknowledging one tragedy seems to diminish the attention given to another. This ilk would rarther push the narrative they are the most oppressed than attempt to fix that oppression via diplomacy, accountability and a new identity to be proud of.

To counter this dangerous trend, it is crucial for leaders and influencers within the pro-Palestinian movement to take a clear stand against those who engage in Holocaust Denial, (un)Exceptionalism and Inversion. Education must emphasize the dangers of comparative victimization narratives. Media outlets and public forums should also be held accountable for disseminating such views, promoting balanced and historically accurate information instead. Unfortunately, Holocaust Denialism, (un)Exceptionalism and Inversion are common today.

The discourse surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must move towards a foundation built on truth and mutual respect. Acknowledging and respecting the unique tragedy of the Holocaust while addressing the legitimate aspirations and sufferings of Arab refugees is essential for fostering a just and lasting peace. It requires an honest evaluation of Arab leaders' roles in fostering destructive societal norms, rather than attempts to unify a fractured political landscape. It requires admitting that Arabs have opportunities to make peace and their own state, but perpetually turn them down in favor of international welfare and symathy. Only through rigorous commitment to truth can we prevent the past's atrocities from clouding the future's potential.

Simply put: Palestine Supporters would rather be pitied and petty than strong and independent. Meanwhile, Jews would rather be hated than dead. We do not care how many deny the Shoah or try to make gross comparisons to it. We will always value life over death, no matter how much our haters project on us.

Here are some examples of Holocaust Inversion on social media, mostly from the last 2 days:

Gilbert White responds to a post of mine about my grandparents surviving the Holocaust because of Zionism. It is a normal “Palestine Supporter” way of responding to any mention of the Holocaust, ie, not an ounce of sympathy for Jews and make it about blood libel claims.

Gilbert White laughing at an emotioanl post about the Holocaust, that has absolutely no mention of Palestine. Did it free Palestine, Gilbert? Did mocking the Holocaust help anyone?

Palestine Supporter Elvis Senka Selmanovic regularly rants about the “Juice,” a stupid way of writing Jew. His comment about Jews, not Zionists, being “parasites” is praised by fellow Palestine Supporters. In this example (and I have many from the last week alone), Iraj Talukdar responds by mentioning the “chosen ones,” another reference to Jews. Both regularlly post content like this on LinkedIn without consequences.

Davood Kalantari rants about “true Jews” before saying “don't let you Jews be accused of the crime and genocide of some other people.” Throughout the comments he blames the Jews for the Holocaust.

On Davood Kalantari’s LinkedIn post blaming the Jews for the Holocaust, Muhammed Anzar F rants about 18K children dead (the estimate according to the UN right now is 6K). He then denies the mass rape that UN and NYTimes documented, proven by video, forensic, eye witness and additional evidence. Finally, in natural fashion of a racist death cult, he mentions the 40 beheaded babies story. Because nothing says “peaceful” like mentioning every single day taht 40 babies were NOT beheaded.

Paresh Kumar Shah SPN and Mohamed Shoaib Kazi jump onto Davood’s post to also rant about the Jews.

Another Palestine Supporter openly calls for Jews to be dead, but then clarifies he means Zionist Jews. That’s not better.

Apparently the Holocaust my family survived was done by themselves?! Thanks Will McAllister, for the dumbest opinion. I’m sure he has imaginary Jewish friends who agree though.

Scally Cowell believes “there are moral jews.” and feels it is important to say. Do you think they also say stuff like “there are moral blacks?” Only when youre trying to say the Zio-Jews are the real N@zis it’s OK to imply 95% of Jews are not moral.

Popular Palestine Supporter page EyeOnMiddleEast made a false post about Saudia Arabia. The comments include hundreds of metnions of “Yahoodi” because Arabs dont feel the need to say “Zionist” when they mean “Jew.”

AOC LOVES to invoke the Holocaust when she talks about Jews. For reasons.

Apparently my real Jew opinion does not matter as much as the fake Jews in JVP. Says Johan Ellstrom, who speaks for us Jews.

This image has been shared on social media 10s of 1000s of times, so it’s not fair to single out Brian Byrne and Maryam Noor for it. They’re just following their masters. But this was Bryan’s first post about the conflict after Oct 7, really demonstrating his priority.

A far right “Christian” Facebook page, which regularly rants about the Jews, flops between praising Hitler for a moment, in order to compare Israel to the N@zis. Palestine Supporter’s statements on Jews and Holocaust Denial often contradict each other. Nobody ever said they’re smart people.

Again, saying the quiet part out loud

Here he says the socially accepted term for harassing Jews today, “Zionists,” before misspelling Meine Kampf, the basis of Palestinian ideology

Again, here Salmanovic jumps back to using “Zionist,” but the content is the same. He affirms a rant by Adi Fejzic about {{{Zionist}}} money and interest.

I have a folder with hundreds of examples of people using AIPAC to describe “Jewish dark money.” This rhetoric became popular thanks to bigots like Ilhan Omar. Unlikee Selmanovic, the others are careful to say “Zionist” insted of his preferred label for Jews, “Juice” and “Chosen ones.”

How greedy “they” are. (Spoiler: Rashni Abdul Aziz talking about the Jews who survied the Holocaust)

No Laura, I don’t think genocide is a Jewish value. I didn’t even say that word or bring up genocide. But I have plenty more screenshots of your comments.

Shawn Carter is not a fan of Jews, but boy does he have opinions about who Nazi collaborators are.

Khazar Jew conspiracies or another conspiracy? who knows.

On occasion, protesters in US drop the “Zionism” pretense and admit they’re just talking about Jews. Here’s examples from the University riots:

WOL and associated rioters at University openly threaten Jews.

Mentioned in my last post, Khymani James faced 0 consequences for telling a disciplinary board in January that he wants to murder Zionists. Because he was careful to not say Jew. That’s the Palestine Supporter moral: If you say Zionist Jew, it’s OK.

If you don’t believe me about Dane Baptiste giving a very direct threat to “Zionists,” here it is. The next image will show that David Duke, leader of the KKK, has also made efforts to say “Zionist” instead of Jew. In fact, his term “ZOG” can be found at many Palestine Protests today.

Palestine Supporter Dane Baptiste, “Ill sit in prison while your family sit at the cemetary.”

David Duke ALSO makes special efforts to say Zionist instead of Jews, at least since 2019. The leder of the KKK famously talks about “ZOG,” a term you will repeatedly find at Palestine Protests.

Here’s interpretation of Holocaust Inversion and other gaslighting that comes from Palestine Supporters:

Well, it’s not like theyre going to acknowledge that Mizrahi Jews exist…

JVP is filled with blood libel. They’re known to praise terrorists. They are not known for their Jewish members, who apparently could not tell when Hebrew was backwards, and share the message, “A curse upon the Jews.”

No Jew has felt safer because someone told them they’re not in danger

Asked this my whole life. The first thing you see when you research Palestine history is that it was Syriapaelastina.

I hear this group is opening a synogugue in Chicago

Please read Shuly Babitz experience with Palestine Supporters ranting about “Holocaust Exceptionalism” here: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-surprise-that-greeted-me-on-campus/

2025 update: I continue to see endless content from “Palestine Supporters” either directly denying the Holocaust or attempting to minimize it. Some have gone on podcasts dismissing the number of dead, insisting that Jews deserved it. In one of the most gross examples, the Islamic Human Rights Commission in the UK wrote letters to more than 400 municipalities in the UK asking them to boycott international Holocaust Memorial Day this January 27 because the day didn’t address what’s happening in Gaza.

A "Mostly Peaceful" Protest Guide & REPOST: Three Simple Rules for Gaslighting American Jews

A "Mostly Peaceful" Protest Guide & REPOST: Three Simple Rules for Gaslighting American Jews

