Ignoring Facts for Palestine
I’ve long said that Arab refugees deserve better than Palestine/Rape Supporters. After all, they’re a group that can’t imagine better for Gaza than H@mas, PIJ, honor killings, Sharia Law and a complete welfare state. I often think to times when I condemned Islamist attacks, or posted about the horrific diabetes issues in Gaza, only for Palestine Supporters to get irate.
Really. I’d say, “They deserve better! They deserve basic human rights.”
And the Palestine Supporter response is unanimously, “No, they don’t, you Zionist Jew!”
Today I’m going to cover three examples of why I keep saying this line, “Arab refugees deserve better than Palestine Supporters.” They all come from about one hour I spent on LinkedIn, where my feed is overrun by posts related to the conflict.
Are They Palestine or H@mas Supporters?
Palestine Supporters change their tune about whether they support H@mas or not so often that I’m genuinely confused if it’s OK to say they support H@mas. On October 7-10th, the vast majority of Palestine Supporters did openly support H@mas. Who could forget their cheers? The residual support for the terror group that ruled Gaza is now mixed. Some shouted their support for H@mas while being arrested. Others insisted that “nobody support H@mas…” which makes it all the more confusing why Palestine Supporters would protest against Israel fighting H@mas.
Here’s the bottom line: Palestine Supporters DO support H@mas. Out in the open. They just make a big deal of harassing people who call it out. If any Jew calls out explicit H@mas support, they’re labeled Islamophobic and anti-Palestine. But if a Palestine Supporter equates H@mas and Palestine support, they get published.
Don’t believe me? Here’s an article by Pranshu Verma and Razzan Nakhlawi at The Washington Post titled, “They criticized Israel. This Twitter account upended their lives.” It’s a real testament to, “Arab refugees deserve better than Palestine Supporters.”
The byline reads, “StopAntisemitism has flagged hundreds of people who have criticized Israel’s actions in Gaza”. That sounds bad, right? All they did was criticize specific Israeli actions and they lost their job?!
PSYCH! Here are all the examples Verma and Naklawi chose to provide as Palestine Support:
“Dani Marzouca… (declared) that “radical solidarity with Palestine means … not apologizing for Hamas.”
“StopAntisemitism, was calling Marzouca a “Hamas terrorist supporter””
“In January, a Rutgers Law School student sued the university, alleging that he had faced discriminatory disciplinary action after sharing what he deemed “pro-Hamas” messages from his classmates with school administrators.”
a college instructor called Israelis “pigs”
Celine Khalife… says StopAntisemitism shut down her career… A video… shows the Palestinian American tearing down a poster of Israeli hostages. She said Israel kidnapped its own citizens, a false conspiracy theory… She said she removed the poster because it contained the phrase “Hamas terrorists” — propaganda, she argues, meant to minimize the Palestinian struggle.
Wow, that sounds different than just “criticizing Israel’s actions.” Three examples of explicit H@mas support and an example of a college instructor calling Israelis, not their government, “pigs.”
Think about that. StopAntisemitism explicitly differentiates between Palestine and H@mas Support. Palestine Supporters, including these two authors, don’t.
Later the article says, “some {Palestine} supporters have countered with a broad argument that any criticism of Israel or Zionism is inherently anti-Jewish.” That’s true! Many people who are labeled ‘evil, antisemitic, bigotted losers, fighting against basic human rights in the Arab world’ say they’re just criticizing Israel. The people who say Yahudis are dogs and pigs—they love to say they’re just criticizing Israel. H1tler started Mein Kampf with a similar argument. Does it mean that there’s truth to the statement that ‘Big Jew is lying about antisemitism?’ Does it mean that antisemitism does not exist? Of course not.
“Greendorfer says that because StopAntisemitism doesn’t post “private information,” its methods don’t amount to doxing.” Again, I agree. I follow StopAntisemitism. They solely post stuff that their “victims” have already posted online. Complaining about people amplifying public posts is like saying, “How dare these H@mas supporters face consequences for the things they posted publicly. They didn’t know it would be shared outside of their cult. It was acceptable when it was kept to a small circle of bigots.”
This year, Palestine Supporters in Australia famously released a list of 500 Jews deemed Zionists. The “Palestine Supporter” list happened to include addresses and personal information of Jews, including Jews not affiliated with Israel or Zionism. It even contained information on the families of Jews, like how many children the Jews have and which schools they go to. Unlike StopAntisemitism, the Palestine Supporters did not bother to mention why people were on their “Jew list.” They relied on cult obedience to handle any questions. Washington Post never covered this story.
Next up: another manipulative take on serious events, where the author completely misses the point.
One Root of Islampahobia: Lila Tamea
Islamaphobia is a serious issue. I don’t joke about it. I’ll say the truth, that Lila looks like a window curtain and that Palestine Supporters don’t care about women’s rights. But I will call out anyone who is harassed over their religion. That’s never acceptable. There’s other religions that make women dress like window curtains.
I also know that no matter how much I do to help Arab refugees, no matter how many Muslim friends I have, no matter how many Muslims I dated in the past, I will always be labeled Islamaphobic solely because I’m a proud Israeli who, deep down, out loud, and on every plane of existence, truly believe, Arab refugees deserve better than Palestine Supporters.
Back in October, Sydney heard loud chants, “Gas the Jews.” Last Saturday there was a terrible stabbing in a Jewish area of Sydney, where tensions are high over the war (see the list of 500 Jews I mentioned above). Naturally, people made assumptions about the stabbing in a Jewish area by a man wearing a green shirt (green is the color associated with both H@mas and Hezbolla). It turned out, the stabber was not a Muslim or Arab, but rather a recent migrant from England (the source of all the world’s problems).
Rather than focusing on the victims of a terrible stabbing, Palestine Supporters did what they do best: They made it about themselves. Read this post by a major Palestine Supporter, Lila Tamea, and try to find an ounce of sympathy for the stabbing victims:
Spoiler: you won’t find her being sympathetic to stabbing victims. And it gets worse the longer you read.
Lila writes, “racist social media pundits jumped to label it a jihadi Islamist terror attack.” Lila provides a few examples of accounts that did in fact prematurely assume the stabbing in a Jewish area, by a man wearing a green shirt, was a terrorist act. While I’m not condoning anyone who jumped to saying the terrorist was Muslim or Arab, I will point out that these ‘evil Zionists’ at least showed sympathy for the victims. Lila does not.
What’s most notable about Lila’s post is that it completely omits a bigger story: A random Jew was implicated in the stabbing by Palestine Supporting accounts. This was Lila’s opportunity to say that bigotry (Islam is not a race, it’s a religion) is wrong no matter who it applies to. For some reason [/s] Lila omits the Jewish victim who is now suing some of Lila’s personal network.
At least Lila called out the people who replied to her post insisting the Jews were involved with this one.
PSYCH. Lila didn’t care that a random Jew was being blamed for a stabbing attack on her post. Neither did hundreds of Palestine Supporters who saw such comments. After all, their focus was the Islamphobic implications of so many stabbing attacks being associated with Jihad. Their focus was certainly not the victims, like the dead people, or the Jew blindly named as the killer by her cohorot.
Did you notice the other weird things Lila said in her rant? Let me highlight them:
“Only Muslims can be terrorists.”
“who are staunch Zionists and defenders of Israel”
the ones who spread the same lies bout beheaded babies and rapes
"who legitimise and justify the ongoing genocide of Gaza"
"This is why many scholars and academics affirm that Zionism and Islamophobia go hand in hand."
“75+ year settler-colonisation of Pxlestine is justified."
Wow. Where do I even start?
Do I ask why she says ‘only muslims can be terrorists?’ I wish it was sarcasm. But it doesn’t take a psych expert to see it’s projection. Lila showed that the eViL zIoNiSts refer to it as terrorism, but that’s not enough. Once again, Palestine Supporters are insisting terrorism is synonymous with Islam, and I’m saying that Islam and Arabs deserve better representatives.
Do I ask about the weird way this woman emphasis things. “Zionists and defenders of Israel,” “legitimise and justify” “scholars and academics.” Lots of words. Little truth behind them. But lots and lots of words.
If someone can find one example of a JEW bringing up ‘beheaded babies’ in 2024, I’ll eat my hat. I’m fairly certain that evoking imagery of beheaded Jewish babies is solely something Palestine Supporters do. I frequently get harassed by Palestine Supporters who bring up beheaded Jewish babies out the blue. Trust me, I’m not bringing it up. These sick, twisted individuals just really like to bring up that there weren’t 40 beheaded babies. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s for the imagery, which torments decent people, but excites Palestine Supporters. Maybe it’s because there is video of Palestine Supporters forcing a mom to prematurely give birth, before they kill the baby in front of her, then kill her. I genuinely don’t get why Palestine Supporters do most of the things they do, like block highways and harass children hospitals.
Remember, Lila is denouncing ambiguous, blood libel… against Muslims only. Naturally, she continues to spread blood libel, insisting there is a “genocide” in Gaza. It doesn’t matter that courts have extensively looked into this, and ruled it is not a genocide. Lila, like the rest of the Palestine Supporters, have no problem with libelous claims against Jews. Her next message might be to not name a speciifc Jew while spreading blood libel, but it wont be to avoid it.
Is there some source for the claim that ‘Zionism and Islamaphobia go hand in hand?’ I’m sure there was a DEI professor who said such an idiotic statement. After all, Columbia University blamed Israel for global warming. There’s plenty of stupidity in this world. I’m just less sure of a scholarly paper saying it. Or any evidence. After all, that would mean admitting that Palestine is an Islamist cause, not an Arab one. I don’t think Lila wants to admit that Palestine has destroyed the lives of Christian Arabs.
Whenever I see ‘75+ years of colonization,’ it’s a reminder that Palestine Supporters take no issue with Ottoman or British rule of Arab land. The colonization was when Jews gained control and set up a liberal democracy. Before that, when Arabs didn’t have a Palestinian identity to cry over, and there were no elections, it was apparently heaven. [Back in reality, Israel is a perfect example of decolonization.]
Finally, WTF IS PXLESTINE?! I guess this is going to be the next thing they try to promote in the West, but not in the East. It’s not like “Palestine” was ever pronouncable anyways. So why not appropriate the Western culture that the woman is explicitly denouncing?
Thinking about a woman desperately fighting against women’s rights and LGBT+ rights using the word “Pxlestine” really hurt my brain so let’s move onto the final story from just a quick glance at LinkedIn.
The Policies. They Mean Nothing
In my last section, I showed that two individuals blindly blamed a Jew of being the stabber in the horrific attack in Sydney on Saturday. Remember, the one on Saturday. Not the horrific attack in Sydney on Sunday, where an Islamist stabbed a Catholic Bishop. The one in the Jewish area that I’m told ‘for sure did not involve antisemitism, but also, we don’t know the motive.’
You can likely see Lila’s post and the bigotted replies still on LinkedIn. I can’t, because Palestine Supporters block anyone who disagrees with them. I flagged the two comments blaming a “Jew” as bigotry and misinformation. Instead of taking it down, LinkedIn removed two of my comments which included the hyperlink and text from a UN Report on how Palestine Supporters repeatedly use rape as a weapon. According to LinkedIn moderation, you can’t link to UN reports, but Lila Tamea can deny rape.
I have gone on and on about how bad social media moderation is too long. So I’ll keep this short, like the hopes for world peace whenever a Palestine Supporter enters the chat. The image below depicts the post that was on my feed directly below Lila’s post. Mohamed Hamid, a Palestine Supporter, insists that on April 17 there was evidence of IDF soldiers gang raping a fellow soldier. His evidence was a YouTube video, later taken down, and links to a 2006 article.
Mohamid Hamid tries to spread a complete false story to counter the real evidence of Palestine Supporters performing necrophilia, which all reputable papers have covered.
LinkedIn does not remove the flagrant post despite clearly being “misinformation” (and arguably racist).
Mo’s post was seen by hundreds, if not thousands. Several of the comments point out that the story he described is false. Mo doesn’t care. He left it up. LinkedIn doesn’t care. They left it up.
Lila, on defense for Palestine Supporters, says the recorded rape accusations are lies.
Mohamad Hamid, on offense for Palestine Supporters, is making new lies up.
I’m busy wondering what’s going to happen to all the Arab women being raped by Islamist leaders, which is practically legal under a Palestinian State.
Within a week of October 7, websites like hamas-massacre.net depicted mutiliated Jewish women at Nova missing their underwear. Every reputable person knew the facts well before they finally admitted to them. It took months for the UN—an anti-Israel and anti-Jew org—to admit Palestine Supporters use rape as a weapon. They even mentioned evidence of necrophilia. Then the NYTimes reluctantly admitted the same. Despite all this, Lila says the rape accusations are lies, and LinkedIn doesn’t care.
I’m repeating myself so much, I’m going to sound like one of these Palestine Supporters soon.
Social media channels have policies against misinformation and hate crimes. They just don’t enforce them. That’s how Syrian Girl (who’s Australian) wound up in a defamation suit by the Jew that she blamed for the horrific stabbing in Sydney on Saturday. (Again, not the one on Sunday). These people are not just encouraged to lie. Social media gives them careers off of it.
The TOP post from @Partisangirl features a conspiracy theory that was debunked. It has remained up for 5 months despite the fact it’s a lie.
The community note on that post from November
One of the @PartisanGirl posts that caused the suit against her, but did not disuade her from continuing to spread blood libel. The “evidence” for her libel include an earlier post she made expressing the same lie, and a completely irrelevant article about IDF
This is a screenshot of @julian_anthro2 . The text is his. As usual, he’s right.
I’m sharing this screenshot because it shows that even after @PartisanGirl received a lawsuit for libel, she continues to harass people and spread “supremacist” ideology. Why would she stop? She faced reprucussions for 1 in 1000 libelous claims. In this post, Maram Susli expresses that Abdullah II is not “Jordanian” because his bloodline is impure. You’d think she knows he is a Hashemite (Saudi) and most Jordanians claim to be “Palestinian…” but let’s focus on the fact that a “Palestine Supporter” is openly ranting about racial purity.
Maybe one day LinkedIn and Meta will add Community Notes. Or X will remove the posts that the community flags as utter BS to try to create racial tensions. Til then, expect a lot of ignorance of facts… for Palestine.
I’ll end with the most important reminder: Arab refugees deserve better than Palestine Supporters.