REPOST: Meir Dolev, "Bad and dangerous’: Arab-Israelis, even Palestinians, blast BDS anti-Israel boycott"
I’m shifting from writing about Israel to writing about my secular, Jewish perception of religious Jews, the loopholes they love and the Torah text they should focus on more. The only issues are: 1. I don’t have much time, because I’m trying to launch an app in the next few months 2. The last thing I wrote on this topic took me 3 hours, 6+ pages, left me wanting to add more examples… and nobody read it.
So I’m back to reposts. This one is from Meir Dolev, a writer at World Israel News. I did not get permission to repost it. Boycotting Jews has always been a bigoted tactic. It’s no surprise the death cult championing #FreePal embraces it, despite the negative ramifications to Arab refugees. They simply do not care about “Palestine” as much as they care about blaming Jews.
I’ve previously wanted to write about Bassem Eid, a man I respect a ton. But what’s been clear, well before his advocacy, is that even some of the most violent, unapologetic Jew and Israel haters admit that BDS is a hate movement that can only make Arab lives worse. Even Chomsky, Finkelstein and other self-hating Jews, desperate to appease the unappeasable, admit that BDS has no redeeming qualities. It’s just a joke, with a punchline of “Free”-ing something.
PS there’s a Facebook page that champions the fact that BDS is mostly a Nazi movement. Like just about every public pro-Jew page, it is covered in laughing emojis from death squad members. They posted an article about how BDS Supporters interrupted a Holocaust event to show support for Nazis. Find it here:
Original link:
‘Bad and dangerous’: Arab-Israelis, even Palestinians, blast BDS anti-Israel boycotts
August 9, 2023; By Meir Dolev, World Israel News
“I am a Palestinian. And I want to speak about what I want without someone from outside watching me and telling me how to fight and how to live.”
Diverse voices within the Arab-Israeli community have fiercely criticized the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Movement against Israel, highlighting a significant disconnect between the movement, which is mostly active outside the country, and the way it adversely affects the people it claims to support.
Last week, several Palestinian and Arab-Israeli activists lashed out at the BDS movement after it put intense pressure on Emel Mathlouthi, a popular Tunisian singer, to cancel performances in both Judea and Samaria and Haifa – for all-Arab audiences.
The BDS movement accused Mathlouthi, who is a vicious critic of Israel, of “normalizing the occupation by cultural means” by touring Israel and the Palestinian territories. Mathlouthi paid for her misdeed by having her performance in a large international festival in Tunisia cancelled.
According to London-based Al Araby News, what set off the boycott was Emel’s “intention to hold a party in the city of Haifa, inside a hall owned by a Palestinian, before later retracting it.”
Haaretz reported last Tuesday that she had intended to perform in an Arab bar called Fattoush in the northern coastal city before a BDS campaign called on “Tunisians and Arabs and all Palestine supporters around the world” to boycott all her shows and music because the venue was in Israel.
Haaretz cited harsh critique of the BDS movement by Arabs in Israel, who claim that the movement is only making things worse.
Artist Haya Zaatry from Nazareth said: “Preventing or canceling a musical performance by an Arab artist in an independent Palestinian space in Haifa only heightens the cultural embargo in which we (Palestinian citizens of Israel) live, and this is a bad and dangerous thing.”
Zaatry also criticized BDS’s policy of boycotting works by Arab-Israelis. “We are working hard to produce independent Palestinian art. We are working hard to build an independent Palestinian cultural space. We are working hard to make our voice heard in the world.”
“And, unfortunately, we only hear your voices as an attack on us, and this is a contradiction.”
The report cited another activist as accusing the movement of being out of touch, with BDS activists living abroad and not having a clue about what is actually happening in the country.
“I am a Palestinian. And I want to speak about what I want without someone from outside watching me and telling me how to fight and how to live,” she wrote.
“What do you know about our life here aside from what you see and hear on the news? You cast doubt on our Palestinian identity and act like a man who thinks he has to explain to a woman what she can and can’t do in her fight against toxic masculinity, what’s permitted and what’s forbidden.”
Criticism of BDS from Palestinians themselves is not a new phenomenon, as pro-Israel group Stand With Us highlighted in a report citing several prominent Palestinians.
Renowned Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid slammed the movement in 2015 saying it was “the kind of ‘pro-Palestinian activism’ we could well do without.”
“BDS spokespeople justify calling for boycotts that will result in increased economic hardships for the Palestinians by asserting that Palestinians are willing to suffer such deprivations in order to achieve their freedom. It goes without saying that they themselves live in comfortable circumstances elsewhere in the world and will not suffer any such hardship,” Eid said according to an analysis by The Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Even Norman Finkelstein, a renowned critic of Israel, questioned the organizations behind BDS. “They’re NGOs in Ramallah, one person operations… They’re just Ramallah NGOs which represent absolutely nothing,” he said in a 2012 interview.
Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, director of American studies at Al-Quds University, was cited in The New York Times as saying: “I’m against the boycott in general, we need more dialogue with the other. That’s why I believe that you should not have a general boycott against Israel, or a boycott against Israeli universities.”
The former President of Al Quds University, Sari Nusseibeh, has also publicly opposed boycotts.
Even Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas publicly announced that PA does not support the boycott of Israel. “We don’t ask anyone to boycott Israel itself,” he said, as reported by The Times of Israel.
Majdi Khaldi, an adviser to Abbas, echoed this sentiment, stating, “We are neighbors with Israel, we have agreements with Israel, we recognize Israel, we are not asking anyone to boycott products of Israel,” according to an article published by the European Institute of Public Administration.
Salaries from thousands of Palestinian workers in Israeli factories and industrial parks in Judea and Samaria are an enormous source of cashflow into the PA’s thinly stretched coffers, with most of the Israeli wages double or triple that of the average Palestinian wage.
Despite the horrors of BDS taking away jobs from Arab refugees they clearly do not support, it’s safe to say BDS has two redeeming qualities:
Showing that there is a ton of cross over between Palestine supporters and Neo-Nazis.
Even in looking for images for this, I found pro-BDS and pro-Nazi websites. I was flooded with BDS images boasting support from openly antisemitic celebs, and some celebs who have openly said they do not support BDS. Can’t spell “Palestine” without “lies.”
Material to laugh at.
And you have to laugh at these morons, esp when they’re caught using Israeli products and services. Like, BDS supporters seem to be incapable of making a website without Wix, a problem that keeps coming up for them only, while the rest of us enjoy Israel’s lifesaving tech.
BDS supporter really does not get it. They never do.
Typical BDS post, which of course, has no truth.
100% where BDS started and we have the receipts to prove it
Spelling it out for those who don’t get it
Classic newspaper article, from back when Palestine referred to Jews, and Arabs referred to Arabs.
It’s easy to be against all state boycotts and understand they hurt people, not states. Or you can be Rashida and insist the most important thing for the US is to support Cuba and Russia, and end relations with Israel, for contradicting reasons.
Again, I saw OFFICIAL BDS posts proud that Mel Gibson, famous antisemite, supports them. Forget that Mel Gibson has not actually endorsed them for a sec. These bigots were proud to associate with him, because he’s antisemitic. And here’s one of their fans proud to associate with him.
“Shoot the Jew” is an ancient #FreePalestine proverb from 10,000 years ago, back when Big Ben was in Jaffo
Image of Nazis welcomed at a BDS rally, cause they’re the same
I haven’t seen it in a while, but BDS used to suppport David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK. They still today, in 2023, openly support Louis Farrakhan (tbf, so did Obama and the Kardashians).