Iain Lay keeps asking me to repost his comments defending Nazis
“For some reason” (I put it in quotes whenever the reason is clearly antisemitism), this man has been harassing me. A lot. Like trying to hack my Facebook, emailing me, messaging me after I restricted him.
Ill get back to this.
When the family of the victims of Jeffrey Dahmer felt antagonized by the glorification of Jeffrey Dahmer, people understand. Nobody would ever call the family of these victims, “Dahmers” or even “like-Dahmer.” Likewise, nobody is calling the descendants of slave owners “slave owners.” Or calling Armenians “Ottomans.” Calling someone by their harassers name is obviously a dick move… but Palestine supporters are bad people. The type to glorify martyrdom then cry, ‘The Jews are violent!’
Nazi’s genocided 2/3 of the Jewish population on Earth. In my life, I watched the Jewish population get back to the we just got back to the same population number as we were at pre-Holocaust. I was told never forget. And I watched a lot of people forget. People who utter claims of Jewish Supremacy, a Nazi idea that Jews want to take over the world. (If you dont wnat to click the link, it says, “Nazis justified their mass murder of Jews by escalating the canard about Jews controlling the world into a struggle against "Jewish supremacy.")
I am reposting a quote from Mein Kampf for Iain, who insisted that Nazis did not invent the idea of Jewish Supremacy, the Jews did, under Bibi. Note how little of the Jewish Supremacy narrative was changed — Nazis (and Iain) claimed that wanting a safe state in Israel constitutes Jewish Supremacy.
the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”
I dont have energy to repeat what Blood Libel means. It’s when people insist the Jews want to murder others for ritualistic sacrifice or for funsies, a claim people like Iain make all the time, then defend as their reality.
Here’s how it started: I get targetted posts about Rodger Waters, notorious antisemite according to his fellow bandmates and ex-friends. On these posts, you will find some Jews, like me, reminding of the accusations against Waters. You also find 10 times more non-Jews insisting that there is nothing antisemitic about Waters, and though they never met him, they’re as sure of it as they are sure of Jewish Supremacy and that Jews want to murder for funsies. The Jews spell it out, ‘Calling Jews ‘Nazis’ is not the woke, progressive move Waters et al pretends it is. It’s called Holocaust Inversion.’ The not-antisemites respond with more Holocaust Inversion.
They never met Waters. They’re not Arabs, nor connected to Palestine, at all. They’re mostly Germans insisting that they know the truth about {{them}} (in part because Waters has strategically been doing shows for his “German” fans). These not-Antisemites looked in the mirror and told themselves “I’m not antisemitic, the Jews are wrong” 5 times, and so, a Jew will never convince them otherwise.
This NME post was specifically about Waters, who is def not an antisemite cause he says so, using the text ANNE FRANK in his performance. The post shows him with a red armband, mimicking the Nazis, while ranting that the Israelis (Jews) are Nazis. The story repeatedly repeats that Jews believe Waters is “desecrating the memory of Anne Frank.” Despite all this, for every Jew condemning Waters, there are 20 non-Jews insisting that he has never done anything wrong. Some of these clowns comment defending his stance on Russia invading Ukraine, or defending the Chinese camps for Ulghyers. The vast majority are defenses of his remarks about Jews, which the non-Jews see as totally valid criticisms.
The comment I included above was the first interaction with Iain. Yes, he started off his harassment by insisting, to a Jew, that Nazis were not believers of Jewish Supremacy, Jews really are supremacists. That was litearlly the first time I had ever heard of this trole. He then ranted about how Bibi is evil and wants to take over the world, which I did not care about, becauseI voted against Bibi 5 times, and he’s just a trole. Rather than admit he had defended the Nazis, Iain completely lost it.
Iain replied on and on and on about how I’m a liar, I lost it, and that he had never defended Nazis. He tagged me more than 40 times in Facebook replies. It slowly morphed into other claims and rants about the Jews. When I stopped responding, he sent an email, which he presumably found through this website.
When I did not respond to that, he started messaging me on Facebook. It’s a Jewish holiday, but I told him I would make special time to complete his request of showing where he defended Nazis (again, literally his first comment to me, ever).
Screenshots of our convo, which for some reason he asked for me to upload
Did it stop with the restriction, indicating, “GO HARASS ANOTHER JEW”? No. It appears he then tried to hack my Facebook. Just a few hours after I restircted him, I got an alert that someone requested a 5 digit login code for my account. So I added authenticator and carried off on my day.
That was yesterday. Today, he continues to do this. He keeps asking me to post to NME the screenshots of what he said. I explained that you can not post screenshots to their page, but if he makes his page public, i will post them there. He rejects it, then asks again. So I’m making this post to respond to him.
Sadly, this is the life of Iain Lay. He harasses Jews, then says he’s not the problem. Will he stop after this? Doubt it. This is the face of the modern Nazi movement — Cowards, who say things, then pretend like they never said it. Iain clearly is a fan of Roger Waters.