Losers brought up the USS Liberty (1967)... again
There are losers endlessly searching for a way to “expose Jews.” I deal with them regularly. The losers search far and wide for examples of any Jews erring and context-less clips of IDF soldiers reacting to violence, such that they can generalize the Jewish people. This digging is carried on while proudly passing over an established reality: Palestine has always been an enemy of US and progressive values, since the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem banded with Hitler to create the Arab Supremacist narrative to today.
As soon as the USS Liberty comes up, there are no winners. Just losers desperate to expose Jews. You’re about to hear a cult member use a 1967 incident to justify murdering people who enter the wrong city.
I need not remind anyone that Palestine is associated with child suicide bombers, frequent and recent trial-less beheadings, capital punishment for offenses like ‘working with Jews’ and joining Zoom meetings discussing peace. In lieu of such horrors in Jewish society, the #FreePal cult members are forced to dig.
However, I do need to remind you of the political incidents associated with Palestine by nature of this topic, not out of a feeling that US politicians and service are more important than Italian, German, Puerto Rican, American and other civilians murdered over “Free-ing” Palestine in the last few months.
The USS Liberty is repeated because of the common knowledge of Islamists championing #FreePalestine comitting US’s worst terrorist acts, such as 9/11 (which the US directly linked to Palestinian and other terorrism and which was celebrated by Palestinians enough for a wiki section about it). This digging, all the way back to 1967, in an attempt to expose Jews, looks decades further than the Munich Massacre, Athens Airport Attacks, Operation Entebbe and so many other international terrorist incidents tied only to #FreePalestine. On US soil, #FreePalestine led to the assassination of multiple politicians (ex: Kennedy, Kahane) and the 93 bombing of the WTC. Sadly, I can continue with an endless list of Palestinian terrorist acts, with no resemblance of a mistake. But these long-planned attacks, more recent, outside war, does not matter to a Jew-obsessor.
What does ignoring 100s of pieces of evidence of planned attacks, for one, really bad piece of evidence, mean? There can not be a semblance of debate with someone who brings up the USS Liberty as a serious talking point. Truly, you will never convince them. They do not care about this subject beyond “exposing Jews.” The cries about USS Liberty is a pathetic grasping for some evidence, within a movement of lies.
Why discuss the USS Liberty to even address the person bring it up? It’s irrelevant that in 1967 a mistake was made, during a war, which SEVEN different US inquiries claimed had no malice intended towards US. The person ignoring so many recent events for one, in 1967, does not care about inquiries nor evidence. Those SEVEN inquiries will always be trumped by what these delusional cult members believe is more important — exposing Jews as anti-American and blood thirsty. They will favor Al Jazeera accounts, 60 years after the incident, over reports from eye witnesses provided back when this incident was relevant.
The USS Liberty obsessor looks for what I call “Exceptions that disprove the rule.” To a rational mind, they are ironically proving the rule. ie If someone has to dig all the way back to 1967 for an incident they perceive as evidence Israel would knowingly attack US, they’re showing that would never happen. The #FreePalestine cult sees 2 is a prime number, then determines prime number can not be odd.
To the #FreePalestine cult, a false reality is far more important than reality. If you dare show a cult member a page like Whispered in Gaza, focused on the modern plight of Gaza’s people after Palestinian leadership began, the so-called “Palestine supporters” get offended. Try it yourself. The response is always, “How dare you! This is a whataboutism to deflect from the more important matters, like friendly fire in 1967!” The harsh reality Arabs face due to the Islamist leaders today just doesn’t matter to this cult. 1967 does.
Just don’t ask the cult to define “blood libel.”
Disproving the rule