Existentialist French are still French
Ramadan approaches. As usual, neo-Palestinian leaders are openly threatening to murder Jews over beliefs like, ‘Islam should rule the world’ and ‘Jews want to build a Holy Temple in Jew-rusalem.’ In spite of Islamic Rule being integral to this “neo-Palestinian identity,” an aspect not lost in names like Islamic Jihad, Al-quds Martyr’s Brigade, Salafi-jihadis, etc. and mentioned at the top of each governing doc, their focus on murdering Jews is repeatedly described as some progressive resistance movement.
You see, there are many sick rhetoric games when it comes to Jews.
Jews were once Israelites. Then Palestinians. Then Semites. Now Zionists. We can never just be “Jews, minding our own business” to our haters.
Every day I hear of a tragic murder. Israel aside, the victims are granted the right to self identify. When a school shooting happens in US, CNN never writes, “Man killed 10 Constitutionalists.” When a stabbing happens in France, Le Monde never writes, “Teen stabbed an Existentialist.” “For some reason,” (it’s antisemitism. that’s the reason) whenever a Jew is killed in Israel, the world erupts with headlines like, “Palestinian allegedly ends life of violent Zionist.” We act like this is normal.
If some lunatic had the audacity to argue about “Fake Christians” or “Fake Hindus” because the subject had Deontological, Flat Earth, Stoicist or other values, unrelated to their religious identity, people would laugh. “What do you mean? Of course they’re Christian and Hindu. Take your meds, looney” When Jews are murdered in Israel, they’re immediately “Fake Zio-Jews.” Sometimes this directly stems from a tinfoil hat belief Jews are actually Khazars. More often, it is a statement that Jews can not define themselves, but their haters can. No wonder there is so much attention to not adopting the IHRA definitions. The people most hateful of Jews would never want us to define ourselves.
Jews are no longer Jews when it is inconvenient for our haters.
During Operation Entebbe, terrorists separated Jews from non-Jews. They had no idea which was Israeli. One victim showed their Holocaust tattoo. To the terrorists and their sympathizers, the Jew and Holocaust survivor, was no Jew. They were ‘Zionist Israeli Euro-colonizers who pinkwash the apartheid blah blah blah.’ To me, they were Jews. It’s alleged the German terrorist replied to the Jew who had their family murdered by Germans, “I'm no Nazi! ... I am an idealist.” In the end, the headlines described the terrorist as “German,” but not “Idealist, definitely not a Nazi.” Even terrorists are identified by their state and religion… just not Jews.
Imagine a gameshow where three Jews are placed side-by-side. One has green hair and facial piercings, one has traditional black hat and robes, one is dressed just like you are, right now. Can you identify which is a Zionist or Israel supporter? Nobody can.
Consequentially, it is not only the terrorists in Entebbe who struggle to differentiate Jew from Zionist. All “antizionists not antisemites” ignore their philosphical-driven scapegoating when it comes time for dirty work. In the last 75 years, there has never once been a murder of a Jew that started with, “Hey, Moshe. What’s your views on Zionism?” or “Hey Shmulik. Now I know you’re Jewish, but can you tell me your views on Ahad Ha’am?” The idea that bigots and terrorists can magically identify “Zionists” keeps them alone comfortable. The faux-progressives must insist the victims are Zionists, not Jews, because otherwise they would have to examine themselves.
Ironically, the most fundamentalist and extremist Jews rarely support the State of Israel. They are in favor of religious beliefs that Zionism wholy undermines. Lev Tahor, for example, migrate around South America and Asia. Neturei Karta, who are frequently championed by the #FreePal death cult, do live in Jerusalem (as well as London and Brooklyn), but refuse to acknowledge the state. Yes, our most extremist sects are all anti-Zionists, and worse, the extremists are the only ones tokenized as “good Jews.” And, sure, they are Jews. But my point is that nobody is asking if they read Herzl, and nobody will define them as anti-zionists if they are murdered by a “Freedom fighter… who just really hates illegal immigration!”
All of these points above are obvious. Yet when bigot Sally Rooney promoted her latest book by announcing it would not be published in Hebrew, the world cheared, as if antisemitic takes improve shit writing. Sally claimed that she could not publish in Hebrew—the language spoken by Jews—because the publishers are Zionists. All of them! Nevermind that most Israeli publishers are leftwing, aNtI-oCcUpAtIoN, nor the fact that her existing publishers could easily translate the work. Not even Israeli papers thought to ask this notable bigot, “Really? You went to ALL the publishers and asked each about their philsophical views?” There would be no reason to ask such a question. Sally got to define all Hebrew readers and publishists as colonizing Zionists, including the Arab, Bedouin, Christian, Druze and other Israelis. Of course, she really meant “Jews.”
Even the homes in our disputed territories are defined solely by religious elements. When Jews illegally create a home, it is a “settlement.” When Arabs or Bedouin illegally create a home, it’s an “occupied city.” It does not matter that the Spanish of Morocco live in “protectorates,” and that Kurds, occupied by four states, live in “provences.” You will never hear of “Turkish Occupied Northern Cyprus.” The term “settlement” today either means you’re playing a board game, or talking about Jews in a city Muslims got dibs on.
And in spite of all these rhetoric games, an Extentialist French is French. A Constitutionalist American is American. And a Zionist Jew is a Jew.
Update from April 2023, when a terrorist murdered a random Italian in Tel Aviv. Media outlets responded like this before an autopsy. Til today, no “Palestinian orgs” have taken credit for the claim, but even NPR insisted it must be a resistance.
NPR showing their biases, shamelessly using a picture of a terrorist attack that killed an Italian visiting Tel Aviv, Israel