Profile of Antonio B; Conflating Haters; David Ferris
A few months back, I went through Yale, Stanford and Columbia student papers to see the ludicrous things being written by America’s most elitist institutions, desperate for a group to scapegoat. The wildest content was not coming from people with family in the region, not Jews and Muslims, but rather incompetent social justice warriors who insisted scapegoating Jews is important for preventing climate change, creating world peace and some sort of “freedom” (under strict Sharia Law). These mostly rich protesters, having never lived under threat of daily bombings, repeatedly published op-eds insisting that Israel’s actions in Gaza could not be self defense against the worst pogrom since the Holocaust and daily rocket attacks. In a manner reminiscent of 1930s Germany, the editors encouraged vile, racist propaganda to permeate their schools.
I wound up finding one Jewish undergrad’s oped that I liked. I added the author to my LinkedIn network to get permission to reshare the article:
That same student wrote another article, “On Tokenism and the Denial of Antisemitism”, available here: That’s where today’s post comes in.
A famous photo of Palestine Supporters in NY demonstrating on Oct 7 about their excitement that they murdered and raped Jews.
The Squad Accidentally Proved Zionists Are Right
Baker’s oped is a great read. Naturally, it couldn’t address every aspect of current antisemitism denial. Instead it touches on details of how Jews are being threatened by Columbia students and staff, “Jewish students were assaulted on campus. Jewish students were told to “go back to Poland,” where our ancestors were massacred by the Nazis. Jewish students were called “inbred” and told we “have no culture.” And it seems like every time I or my Jewish peers call this antisemitism out, a fringe group…gaslight the world into believing that we are lying.”
I responded (to Baker) that the article did not mention the silence from 99% of Palestine Supporters in regards to the hate groups, not limited to neo-Nazis and white supremacists, who champion their cause. That said, Antonio’s unsolicited response to my comment was analogous to what Baker described. I called out antisemitism and a fringe person insisted that I was lying.
The idea of Palestine Supporters and Nazis being bffs is nothing new. Historians have noted it over and over. I’d personally seen Arab Supremacist and White Supremacist groups join forces for their hate ralleys. When a neo-Nazi harassed me in college, his unsolicited views on Israel and Palestine regularly came up. This isn’t to say that all Palestine Supporters are neo-Nazis, a reverse of the placard strategy aimed at Israel. It’s just to say there is a Venn diagram with an intersection that needs to be addressed.
I hoped that the recent news of AOC finally disavowing Nick Fuentes, a known white supremacist,would lead to this intersection of hate groups being discussed. I was wrong. We are at a point where Palestine Supporting AOC disavowing Nick Fuentes will make the news, but a list of the views they have in common does not. We are still living in this fantasy where faux-liberals pretend their “Free Palestine” is democratic and proud of LGBT+ values, despite Arab leaders being clear that this is not the case. This facade is necessary for faux-liberals in order to justify their shared attachment for a Sharia state with known white supremacists.
June 20
I personally wouldn’t want to be on the same side as the Ayatollah, Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, nor David Duke, Nick Fuentes and just about every neo-Nazi on Earth. It’s fine to share some views with evil people. Hitler was vegan. Nobody cites Hitler as a reason to not be pro-vegan. The issue here is that anti-Israel folk are so desperate for supporters, they refuse to distance themselves from avid white supremacists. Instead, Palestine Supporters champion people like Eric Clapton, who first made racist ramblings about getting black people and foreigners out of England, or Macklemore, who first dressed up in Jew face, then later was taught that his racism is palatable if it comes with fake compassion for creating a Sharia state.
The Squad members vaguely denouncing Proud Boys and attacks on synogugues shouldn’t be applauded by anyone. If the Palestine Supporters truly were not antisemitic, such actions could not be condemned. And yet, there’s growing evidence that rape-denying groups like WOL, SJP and other anti-Israel groups have distanced themselves from The Squad as a direct response to them attacking white supremacists.
Simply consider the timeline. AOC condemning Nick Fuentes late June 20. These photos are from June 22, about 1 day later, when WOL and other Palestine Supporters react to a condemnation of a white supremacist.
WOL criticizes AOC on June 22
WOL again on June 22, criticizing Tlaib for mentioning that Palestinians raped people on Oct 7.
SJP memebers on June 23, criticizing AOC and Bowman for not being Palestine Supporting enough, since they dared criticize antisemites
Faux-Jewish group INN criticized their Free Palestine comrades for posting the red triangle, a Hamas symbol denoting their targets. The protesters were not asked to leave the ralley despite holding signs championing Hamas.
In years past, these same groups (WOL and SJP) had members criticize faux-Jewish group JVP under the guise that anti-Zionist Jews are faking their allegiance to the sharia state.
WOL, SJP and other anti-Israel groups have still not uttered a word about the elephant in the room, Proud Boys and neo-Nazis marching alongside them. You will not manage to find a single mention of Nerdeen condemning Nick Fuentes or David Duke. Instead, you can find evidence that AOC and Bowman reacted to WOL and SJP condemnations by going back to insisting they’re the most anti-Israel politicians out there.
Bottom line: The loudest Palestine Supporters don’t like being called out on being a racist death cult. To fight against that label, they endlessly insist the Jews are the Nazis, and make no attempts to distance Palestine ideology from Mein Kampf ideology.
Here’s the “debate” that ensued between me, with decades of experience at both Palestine and Israel protests, and a film student at Columbia University, who likely learned about the conflict in October 2023:
Guy Ginton 1 day
great oped. my focus on the 'antizionism not antisemitism' debate is that virtually 100% of prominent Palestine Supporters have chosen to not distance themselves from the bigotted voices they're aligned with. aside from AOC making one comment to distance herself from Nick Fuentes, I can't think of a single example. I've been to Pro Palestine rallies in 4 countries and saw neo-Nazis marching alongside at three of them (Florida, Czech Republic and Netherlands) and other hate groups at others.
Note 1: To be more specific, in Orlando (2012), Amsterdam (2018) and Prague (2019) I first hand watched neo-Nazis—self-described neo-Nazis—march with their fellow Palestine Supporters. In South Africa, I saw Palestine Supporters march alongside Islamist groups. In Israel, I saw Palestinians throw bricks at police after Israel paid to bus people in to protest. In 2008 or 2009 I counter protested the Westboro Baptists, also avid Palestine Supporters. These groups might not call each other comrades, but they fight for the same cause.
I don’t know how much evidence I need to share to show the deep ties between Palestine and Nazi stans. Here is an article from Nov 2023 about this well known phenomenon of Neo-Nazis marching with Palestine Supporters: (PS if you read that article, take note of “While white supremacists target all nonwhite groups and their allies, the unifying animus is a hatred of Jews.” This “Jews are not white” idea comes up later.)
Here is a random YT video of a Palestine Supporter giving the Nazi salute: Just ask and I’ll share more.
Here are some images from November 2023 when Palestine Supporters protested Rosalynn Carter’s funeral and Westboro Baptist trended:
Antonio B. (He/Him) The Man the Mister Legend 1h
Guy Ginton hey Guy, how about the neo-nazis and proud boys that pro-Israeli groups invited to march in front of Columbia's campus two month ago?
Note 2: He’s talking about the Uni where Palestine Supporters took janitors hostage. Not a great start for countering the argument that Palestine Supporters fail to distance themselves from violent hate groups.
Note 3: I followed these events closely so I would have noticed if Proud Boys or neo-Nazis were present. Spoiler: They weren’t. The closest evidence to his claim is that Gavin McInnes visited the protests to film for a YouTube channel. McInnes was not invited by pro-Israel groups, nor is he technically a Proud Boy member since he distanced himself from them in 2018. This event did not come up. My assumption at this point is that Antonio will share something about alleged violence towards Palestine Supporters that has no connection to either Proud Boys or neo-Nazis, because Jews befriending either group would make international news.
Guy Ginton 1h
Antonio B. I don't know the conspiracy you're referring to. Feel free to elaborate about the hate group that you believe Israeli groups "invited." I'd love for you to share a source for this claim.
While you're looking for sources for your conspiracy, here's a quote from Mein Kampf that you can try to differentiate from your "pro-Palestine" narrative. Good luck. Mein Kampf, "the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks."
Antonio B 57m
Guy Ginton you really want to play this game? this was well documented. I have plenty of sources, including my own experience.
Christian nationalists and proud boys spit on Jewish students
Note 4: You are encouraged to click and read that article. It’s about Christians, including two pastors, who led a pro-Israel rally. The article says things like, “Feucht said that there had been a rise in antisemitism on campuses due to the pro-Palestinian student protests.” He sent me an article showing that some Christian nationalists were countering the hatred towards Jews coming from pro-Palestine students like Antonio.
My bet is that he used Chat GPT to find his “sources.” Chat GPT hallucinates based on what you’re looking for. If you say you want a source for X, it will share something back. There’s a lesson here in double checking AI responses. It’s lost on someone who quadrupled down on not reading the links he sent me.
Jews were spat on at Columbia University. It was not a pastor or his congregation doing it. I’m inclined to believe it was pro-palestine students (like Antonio) doing the spitting and harassing of Jews, as the article he linked says, and as Baker’s article says.
Guy Ginton 56m
Antonio B. also, while you go looking for a source that Israelis invited Nazis and Proud Boys to join them (a claim that i cant find a shred of evidence for), here's some accurate claims:
* "Father of Palestine" was a Nazi simp who begged Arabs to join the "resistance." He raised 4K troops for the Axis and famously favored a "solution" similar to the one that WOL and other Palestine Supporters are chanting for:
* Video of one of the Nazi simp stores in Gaza, Palestinians saying they love Nazis:
* PA President Abbas wrote his college dissertation on Holocaust denial
* During the "Unite the Right" and many other Nazi rallies, the Nazis chanted for Palestine and destroying Israel:
* David Duke, Nick Fuentes, Jake Shields, and Nicolas "Sneako" Kenn De Balinthazy have all been vocally pro Palestine and anti Israel over the last few months:
* more examples:
Note 5: At this point he’s sent me one article, no where close to a source for his claim. In response, I sent five links back, plus the well known detail that the leader of the PA is a Holocaust deniar. Another spoiler, I read the “sources” he sent as soon as I saw them, while he drops all the sources I sent back.
Antonio B 55m
Guy Ginton
Antonio B 54m
Guy Ginton thanks for linking a wikipedia page man. are you gonna address the sources I cited or not
Note 6: It’s been less than 3 minutes since the first link, less than one minute since the second, and he’s already complaining I’m not responding fast enough. Yes, he actually commented a link and within one minute complained I did not respond to it. Even if I wasn’t juggling things during this conversation, nobody can be expected to fully read a source and respond to it in less than one minute. So why demand it so soon?
Here’s the answer: Antonio clearly can’t be bothered to read things, even the things he’s sending me. So he projects his entitlement. Who knows if he even read Baker’s op-ed that prompted my comment? All we know is that he saw a wikipedia link and made a sarcastic comment about it without addressing the content. It’s that “tl;dr free palestine” tactic we’re sadly used to.
Antonio B 52m
Guy Ginton they tried to climb the fence to get to protestors.
Note 7: At this point, Antonio has sent three articles about Christian groups championing Israel at Columbia University, explicitly due to the rising antisemitism from Palestine Supporters. The articles do not identify pro-Israel groups as being hateful towards Jews. The articles say the opposite. Antonio insists that ““"“they””” (i.e., the Zios!) climbed a fence separating the sides. Yep, as many as three pro-Israel advocates were caught climbing a fence in response to students calling for intifada and threatening their lives. The horror!
Again, I do not recommend relying on Chat GPT, the probable source of Antonio’s mixup. I mean, if this isn’t rooted in ChatGPT and laziness, I’m afraid of what Columbia is passing as competent students. You should read the three articles for yourself because they are clear: “Palestine Supporters” harassed Jews, causing Christians and Jews to respond. Pro-Israel groups cursed at the people calling for their murder. Three people climbed a fence. None of this resemebles what Antonio described, ‘pro-Israel groups inviting neo-Nazis and Proud Boys,’ or ‘pro-Israel groups spitting at Jews.’ There’s not one mention of neo-Nazis or Proud Boys.
doing what I said you should not do so you dont have to
Guy Ginton 50m
Antonio B. I do understand this is a game to you. That's the issue. It's also why i screenshotted your comments and will make sure they're posted online with your name.
Yes, I want you to show an example of pro-Israel groups inviting neo-Nazis to a ralley. That's your claim.
The link you sent (from ) doesn't mention pro-Israel groups inviting nazis or proud boys. It mentions evangelicals. You also followed up with "Christian nationalists and proud boys spit on Jewish students" which seems to be a contradiction to pro-Israel inviting them.
So I'll continue to wait for a link that backs your claim that pro-Israel groups invited neo-Nazis or Proud Boys. That link said neither.
Antonio B 46m
Guy Ginton where's the contradiction? Pro-Israel groups are well-known to have connections with the far right in the US. go ahead and screenshot me. Everyone is starting to realize that Israel is a genocidal ethnostate, you're the one who should be ashamed.
Note 8: I can’t believe I have to explain this: Antonio claimed pro-Israel groups invited neo-Nazis and Proud Boys, before saying that pro-Israel groups spat at Jews. For Antonio and other illiterate people, the contradiction is: WHY WOULD JEWS INVITE GROUPS WHO SPIT AT THEM?
What Antonio seems to be saying is, ‘People spat at Jews, but the spitters must have been invited by these Jews because Palestine Supporters wouldn’t do that. Also, anyone I don’t like is Proud Boys.’ He’s actually basing his victim blaming off articles he did not read, that don’t even mention Proud Boys, and the conspiracies he grasps on to to avoid confronting his internalized racism.
Guy Ginton 39m
Antonio Yes, im going to address your "sources." Already addressed one, which basically covers the other two.
Be patient, my extremely racist, anti-Christian friend.
Both the bwog and columbiaspectator articlealso talk about the same event. Neither mention either neo-Nazis or Proud Boys. You can check for yourself. They just dont. So it's not really connected to your claim.
So is your actual point that you think all evangelical christians are white supremacists? And by "pro-Israel" you just meant evangelical christian, not any of the Israel advocacy groups? Please, be clear for the screenshots if you think evangelical christians and neo-Nazis are basically the same thing.
Look, if you have a source that pro-Israel groups invited neo-Nazis and Proud Boys--famously anti-Israel groups--then you should send it already. I'm still waiting. But I guess you're going to continue to deflect from what you actually claimed, maybe send some more irrelevant content, not address the reality that the Nazis and Proud Boys have made pro-Palestine statements. But I hope you prove me wrong. Good luck.
Note 9: At this point I’ve read all three of his sources, saw they don’t describe pro-Israel groups inviting neo-Nazis or Proud Boys to join them, and responded to clarify this. I invite him to continue to search for a source that backs his ludicrous claim. I write he’s going to deflect from the subject. Take a guess what happens next.
Antonio B 32m
Guy Ginton hey Guy, you clearly don't know much about race relations in the US, so I'd just stop yapping at this point. I'm not sure a white guy living Tel Aviv has any leg to stand on. you clearly aren't willing to read anything I send you even though it literally affirms what I'm saying, but that's fine.
Note 10: Did you expect Antonio to read the articles and apologize for lying about which of us read them? LOL. He did what I predicted: Deflect and name call. The conversation is no longer about the copious evidence that Palestine Supporters are aligned with hate groups. It is no longer about his lie that pro-Israel groups are friendly with the Proud Boys. It’s not even about how Antonio thinks Christian pastors are the Proud Boys. It is now about his belief that a “white guy living in Tel Aviv” is not entitled to an opinion.
To me, it feels racist when a (white) guy says, ‘You’re a foreigner, so you don’t have a leg to stand on.’ It feels like his way of saying, “Shut up, Jew.” But you can decide for yourself.
That said, talking about my whiteness is the first time Antonio differentiates his views from the Mein Kampf quote I shared up top, something I asked him to do. Antonio insists Jews are white. His comrades in the Proud Boys and neo-Nazi orgs insist Jews are not white. That’s the difference. When Antonio talks about me being white, he thinks it’s a pejorative. If I say that Antonio himself is white, like me, I’m just giving a color description of what we both look like, not a statement on race relations.
Note 11: I would credit someone as likely knowing more about the Israel-Palestine conflict if they experienced it first hand. My life is at stake. His SJW score is at stake. Antonio seems to believe that Jews in Israel are discredited by virtue of being more involved than he is.
Antonio B. 27m
Guy Ginton by the way, your threats of screenshotting me are terrifying. you have no clout. you gonna get me fired from my job? gonna get me expelled?
Note 12: When you record a phone call, it is respectful to tell the other party, “By the way I’m recording this.” It’s not a threat. It’s a courtesy. I essentially gave him a heads up, “Do not say the racist stuff I already know you’ll say. Your school may not hold racist students accountable for their words. I will.”
Guy Ginton 25m
It's so typical of {{{Palestine Supporters}}} to immediately make personal attacks, blanket complain about a wiki article with dozens of references, ignore every other source I sent, get mad that I didn't respond in under 2 minutes, but also, made a libelous allegation and sent 3 articles that didn't talk about that claim at all.
Since the only article he complained about was the wiki one, here's another source that the "Father of Palestine" (Al-Husseini) was a devout Nazi supporter
Here's another:
Here's one about how Nazi propaganda was spread around the Arab world:
I can keep waiting for an article supporting Antonio's claim (here's the screenshot), but it's a waste of time. These people are pathologically dishonest and racist. None of the 3 articles he sent make any mention of Nazis or Proud Boys. If someone doesn't want to read the same BS story 3 times, they can just ctrl + f and see he lied. But I'll include the full synopsis of his 3 random links on my blog, where I point out how racist this guy is for insisting that foreigners cant know anything about US.
Note 13: I sent him three additional links even though the first five were dropped. I’m naive in thinking that Palestine Supporters want to learn rather than blame. But we have to have good faith.
Antonio couldn’t be bothered to respond to the eight links I sent, minus complaining that one was wikipedia. I pushed myself to read three link he shared, which is why I knew they only discredited him. If you forgot, this conversation started with me saying Palestine Supporters, like Antonio, struggle to differentiate themselves from the Proud Boys who harass Jews with placard statements. He’s only proving me right by switching his tactic from lying to generalizations about race relations and bad insults based on my Jewishness.
Guy Ginton 22m
Antonio B. No, I'm not going to get you fired from a job or expelled. That would require you have a job or are enrolled.
Giving a heads up that you should avoid racist comments was a courtesy. You chose to continue to be racist anyways. You chose to insist that someone living in Tel Aviv (who lived in US longer than you) cant know more than you about a topic that affects him more. That's on you. I'm not sure what threat you took from me saying I will share what you publicly write to my blog. Gluck with that.
These deflections from providing even one source for your claim that 'pro-Israel groups invited Nazis and Proud Boys' are wild. They don't make people believe your ridiculous claim. I get that you're used to being surrounded by people who agree with nonsense like that, but honest people will ask you for a source when you say something so ridiculous.
Antonio B. 6m
Guy Ginton I'm about to graduate from one of the top schools in the world at the top of my class. Also, how do you know how long I've lived in the US? kind of racist for you to assume that. I've provided you plenty of articles supporting what I said but you just admitted you didn't even read what I sent.
All I'll say is that it's genuinely sad that you would ally yourself with people who are actual anti-semites and racists. hope you realize that isn't a sustainable relationship.
Note 14: Antonio seems to really feel a need to brag that he goes to Columbia University. What am I supposed to take from that other than he’s narcistic? Really, I’m asking. In what way is his enrollment in a film program relevant to this conversation, where he sent three articles that made absolutely no mention of Proud Boys or neo-Nazis, then insisted I “admitted” those articles affirm his claims?
Note 15: There is nothing racist about making assumptions of the maximum time someone lived in a country based on their age. I’m 32. I guessed Antonio is in mid-20s, with the brain of a 12 year old. Race is not a factor of our respective ages. These sort of people, who dig for racism accusations in a comparison of ages, while simultaneously harassing Jews, need to seek mental help.
Note 16: Columbia famously did nothing for 6+ months when Antonio’s comrade, Khymani James, threatened to murder Zionists. That’s why I first felt it is important to publish this exchange. The race baiting solidified that feeling. People like Antonio simply do not face enough consequences for their racist ideology. Antonio has been emboldened to say that Israelis do not get a say in a matter, because we’re Jews, foreigners, Zionists, or whatever the reason he decides based on the day. That’s not how the world works. He/him is telling a Jew that Jews are aligned with antisemites, because he’s been accustomed to getting pats for saying placards.
Guy Ginton now
Antonio B. Congrats on graduating soon! Good luck out there in the real world.
I don't care how long you lived in US. I thought that was clear by commenting on how racist it was of you to insist that you know more about the US by virtue of me currently living in Tel Aviv. I actually dont care about you as much as you think everyone cares about you, or as much as you care about harassing Jews.
Now can you please stop tagging me until you either A) Admit that you lied B) Admit that you conflate Christian evangelicals with neo-Nazis and Proud Boys C) Share a single source that says pro-Israel groups invited neo-Nazis and/or Proud Boys to protest D) Provide your last name for my profile of you so I dont have to go look it up?
Antonio B 19s
Guy Ginton nah. I was implying that you support genocide, not that foreigners can't know about the US. again, I don't know why you think I'm scared of you doxxing me on your blog that gets no traffic.
Note 17: In another highly anticipated move, Antonio drops everything being discussed once more. It’s no longer about which side aligns itself with neo-Nazis and Proud Boys. It’s no longer about conflating Christians and Proud Boys. It’s no longer about attacking me based on where I live, the home of Haaretz. In typical Palestine Supporter fashion, simply repeat chants, placard strategy and, if it wasn’t linkedin, share emojis. Calling me a Zionist and genocide supporter is more palatable to Antonio than calling me a dirty Jew. That’s why the likes of David Duke have adopted the exact same strategy. Their motivation is the same.
Antonio B 32s
Guy Ginton please send the blog post when you're done, I'd be honored to be the first click!
Guy Ginton now
Look I didnt expect you to share even one single source for your claim. I said that early on. I expected you to call me a 'dirty Jew' or 'genocide supporter' or some other name you think is acceptable to say instead of providing a source for the ridiculous claim you made. Thanks for proving me right.
Have the day you deserve. Please don't tag me again. Yes, I'll share it with you tomorrow.
Antonio B 1m
Guy Ginton but you are a genocide supporter. more of a genocide cheerleader, I'd say, based on how enthusiastic you are. Do you think you'll be able to find work in 5 years, Guy?
I don’t know if I’ll work in five years. I don’t care about Antonio, who’s just a useless idiot in this.
Yes, my blog doesn’t get more than a few dozen views each week. I’ll be sure to have a few friends click it before Antonio, then send to him, to make sure the SEO does OK.
Conflating Haters
One of the wildest parts about this “debate” is how Antonio immediately tries to conflate the Proud Boys and neo-Nazis. I’m not going to defend either group. They both target Jews like myself as their enemy. They’re both horrific hate groups, aligned with Palestine Supporters.
That said, they’re also categorically different hate groups. To my knowledge the Proud Boys did not murder Millions of people like the Nazis. Like Antonio, most of the group does not believe themselves to be racist. The Proud Boys founder was famously a co-founder of Vice Media, a liberal journalist network (that regularly championed Palestine).
I encountered both groups. Neo-Nazis tend to be lower class folk who hate the US, desperate to scapegoat Jews. They print out pictures mapping the Jews at big corporations and are not united in their economic ideology. Proud Boys tend to be a mix of economic classes, also desperate to scapegoat Jews. They are more likely to have conservative economic views, many coming from a libertarian mindset. The Proud Boys have black and latino members (ex: Enrique Tarrio) who certainly don’t see themselves as “white supremacists.” There is more evidence of Proud Boys disavowing neo-Nazis than Palestine Supporters disavowing neo-Nazis.
One more useless anecdote: A Marxist turned AnCom turned AnCap turned Proud Boys member, an ex-friend of mine, anonymously donated $20K to a black friend’s GoFundMe Page, after he was savagely beaten by a Marxist-leaning group in Miami. His one demand was to keep his donation anonymous so that his Proud Boys comrades don’t hear about it, not because of their racial ideology, but because he didn’t want them asking him for money. There for sure are neo-Nazis in the Proud Boys, but they’re not all race obsessed.
Antonio’s whole propaganda revolves around conflating and misrepresent different groups. If we accept that neo-Nazis and the Proud Boys are the same evil hate group, it becomes easier to claim Christian Evangelicals are also part of this hate group, then ordinary Christians, then anyone against abortion, then anyone who votes Trump, then the Squad for condemning Oct 7 etc. This is dangerous.
Random evangelical Christians do not represent neo-Nazis or the KKK. You are welcome to voice issues with Christians. And, yes, there can be crossover between far right Christians and hate groups. But to conflate them is deluded.
But this is where we’re at. People can just say whatever. Antonio can claim that Christians are all neo-Nazis and Proud Boys, and if it’s called out, he doesn’t need to respond. The sources never mattered because the claim was insane to begin with.
To bring it all back to my original point, if Palestine Supporters actually were against hate groups, they would make it clear. I hate Trump, but I’ve seen Trump distance himself from white supremacist groups dozens of times. I hate organized religion, but I’ve read of evangelicals denouncing the Proud Boys and neo-nazis dozens of times, and the articles Antonio sent were about just that. I can find countless examples of the people Antonio hates condemning and distancing themselves from white and arab supremacist groups. But when Palestine Supporters are pressed to find examples of Palestine Supporters disavowing neo-Nazis and Proud Boys, their knee jerk rection is to claim the “Zionist Jews” support the groups that want to annihilate us. It’s standard Holocaust DEI.
I wish that confronting Antonio’s racism would impact the rhetoric the faux-left is using to attack and scapegoat Jews. But this cycle of clueless people being indoctrinated into the Palestine cult, eventually eduating themselves on what it is about, then silently leaving it, has gone on since the 1960s.
Here’s another Columbia alum, David Ferris, who came up on my feed right after Antonio, using similar race baiting tactics and outright lies to discredit Jews. Note how these screenshots are primarily Ferris’ responding to posts about the dangers Jews face. Despite these sort of antisemites pretending to have an “all lives matter” stance, their reaction to seeing Jews in danger screams their underlying motivation.
Palestine Supporter David Ferris responds to a dad shielding a child from a Hezbolla rocket attack.
In typical narcist fashion, David Ferris credits Columbia for the worldwide Jew hating movement that predates Columbia University’s existence.
David Ferris claims 600 injured in the rescue of 4 hostages. Even Hamas doesn’t make such a claim. They claim 400 injured, which is ludicrous. But hey, David Ferris is the type of person to insist that the entirety of those killed in Gaza were innocent children doing charitable work.
Again David Ferris repeats that he believes 20,000 children were deliberately killed by the Jews. This ghost writer is confusing the word “documented” with “imaginary.”
There have been around 1,000 Israeli civilians killed since October 7. Fifty times that would be 50,000. The actual total number of deaths in Gaza, primarily militants, is currently estimated at 20K, less than half what David Ferris fantasizes about.
What’s really mind boggling about these abhorent racists is that they regularly claim they’re anti racist and give criticism to other states. When and where? Go through his LinkedIn. David makes no criticism of any country except US and Israel, presumably the “apartheid” states he’s talking about. Like Antonio, they don’t criticize states with strict gender apartheid. They focus on Jews and say they’re not focused on Jews.
PS here is a reminder that the Houthis, who Palestine Supporters regularly champion, use child soldiers and openly praise Nazis:
Here’s a video of another Palestine Supporting white lady ranting that the Jews are white, like Antonio B, because these morons are deeply obsessed with race: